The first rounds of battle have been fought, and the people of Avillonia are
finally learning of the dangers that lie ahead. Panic grips some cities while the heroes
make progress towards thwarting the Dark Prophecy Warriors.
Back to Book II: Out of the Shadows
- 1: Portals, in which one of the personae travels through a land without sunlight...
- 2: Spires, in which the personae journey to the Lands of the dwarves and grasp Lightning...
- 3: Falls, in which the personae flee the Citadel Altspire and the advancing orc armies...
- 4: Schisms, in which the personae see a Rift forming...
- 5: Heretics, in which the personae learn a History...
- 6: Uprisings, in which the personae view a Banner long lost...
- 7: Vapors, in which the personae visit a Trade city...
- 8: Lords, in which the personae seek the Answerer...
- 9: Raids, in which the personae meet the opposition and old Acquaintances once again...
- 10: Cities, in which the personae travel to the South and view grand cities...
- 11: Demons, in which the personae confront a Madness and settle a Score...
- 12: Revelations, in which the personae learn the prophecies of Old and the Fate of a comrade...
- 13: Dreams, in which the personae find a Stairway and Visit a world...
- 14: Horses, in which the personae begin a Journey and new Allies surface...
On to Book IV: Sacrifice the Sun
Back to the the Story So Far.
Back to the Dark Mysteries Campaign.
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This page was last updated 16 February 2004
Contact for this page: JourneyMaster@BabylonByCandlelight.com