the Dark Mysteries Campaign
Book III: Amidst the Chaos

Back to the previous chapter: Schisms

5: Heretics
First Draft

7th Luis 2045

The party left shortly after first light the following morning. They rode south out of Llwelyn, following a road near the Chuthaim River on a clear winter's day. The sun glinted off of chunks of ice floating in the river, and gave the snowy fields to the east of the road a harsh white glare. The snow had melted away from the road, leaving a messy patchwork of mud, puddles, and the rare dry stretches.

During one of their stops to rest and check equipment, the party once more discussed the plan to enter Hold Asam.

Bilbus leaned against his horse. He had quickly scraped the packed mud from Acquisition's hooves, and he now waited for the others to finish. "So," the mountebank said as he crossed his arms. "You think we should just walk up there and say, 'Hi! We're Inquisitors. We're one big, happy family. Let us in.'"

Sturm pulled a strap on his saddle bags. "If you want to put it that way." He looked over the back of his horse at Bilbus. "You have a better idea, con man?"

Bilbus grinned and stood up. Acquisition shifted on her feet, ears twitching as she tried to decide if Bilbus were getting ready to flee. "Why don't we dress up as Inquisitors -- that part of the plan is good -- but, instead, turn in the dangerous Sturm Sunblade, son of Richard Atenburg. Certainly someone as close to Atenburg as you are would be of interest?"

"That gets me inside," Sturm admitted, "in shackles. What if they don't let the rest of you in?"

Bilbus walked around Sturm's warhorse. "Then we turn in a foul Heka user, as well." Bilbus gestured towards himself. "I can get both of us out of shackles if we need it. Then, I bump off the guards, we grab your man, and we leave."

Adria listened to the discussion with interest from the back of her horse. She turned it to face the two men. "Why kill the guards? It's messy."

Kasey finished picking the half-dried mud from Farran's front right hoof. The warhorse-kelpie put his steel-shod hoof back down and ground it in the mud. "Suit yourself, Farran. It's not my feet that are going to be sore." The Church Knight stood up, ignoring the laid back ears on his horse's head. To Bilbus, he said, "We shouldn't kill them. They didn't do bad things, right?"

Bilbus turned around to face Kasey. "They're Inquisitors, Kasey. Remember what they did to that woman in the Dales that we rescued?"

Kasey nodded uncertainly, then looked around. "Are we ready to go?"

Breanna answered, "No."

Kasey walked over to Breanna and her horse. "What's the matter?"

"I think Star's losing a shoe."

"Let me see."

Breanna ran her gloved hand along Star's front right leg. The horse lifted the foot, and Breanna pulled it back a bit and held it. Kasey inspected the shoe for a moment, then nodded. Breanna lowered Star's hoof back to the ground.

"Oh, that's not bad. Let me grab a hammer. I can reset that shoe in no time."

Kasey went back to Farran and rummaged through his saddle bags. He returned with a small hammer. Breanna stepped out of the way, and Kasey lifted the hoof and tacked the nails in until they held the shoe snugly. He crimped the nails and lowered Star's hoof to the ground.

"Okay," the blonde knight said. "We can go now."

The party saddled up and continued south along the road.

The Scowling Knight Vineyards were close to the road. A modest wooden house was close to the road, smoke curling lazily from its chimney into the late afternoon sun. Rows of snow-covered trellises stretched back from the house two hundred paces to another wooden building, slightly larger than the house.

Sturm stopped in front of the house and dismounted. He walked up to the door and rapped on it once before entering. The rest of the party tied their horses and followed him in.

Sturm was talking to a pair of men inside the house. The men nodded at some instructions, then went to another room.

"This is your house?" Bilbus asked as he looked around.

"Yes," Sturm replied. "When I was able to get away from Sunkeep, I came down here to clear the land." He walked towards the back door. "I'll show you the winery."

The party followed him back out of the house and along a trail between two of the trellises.

"Who were those men?" Bilbus asked.

"Caretakers. They maintain the grounds and make sure nothing happens to the stock."

The snow on the trail had melted away, leaving a muddy trail to the winery. The only sound was the squishing of the mud underfoot as the party crossed the vineyard to the building.

The winery was a taller single-story building, and the foundation rose two feet above ground level. The windows in the foundation indicated a basement beneath the main floor of the winery. The roof above was steeply-pitched, and no snow was on it.

Sturm produced a key from one of his pouches and unlocked the door. He stepped into the building. Bilbus stopped to look at the engraved wooden plaque next to the door. It read "Scowling Knight Vineyards". Bilbus followed the Sun Knight into the building and looked around.

"This is a small vineyard, isn't it?" the mountebank asked.

Sturm moved between casks and presses, inspecting them as he answered. "It is small. I have a couple of buyers who buy most of my stock, and I have had a few queries from other buyers as far away as Brallian and Londoun -- that's how the Carved Tusk got my wine initially." He paused to tap on a larger cask. "But, I'm slowly expanding. With a couple of good years, I can see things picking up."

Eric looked closely at an empty cask. "Sturm, this is an unusual wood on this cask. What are you aging the wine in?"

Sturm still meandered through the building. His voice sounded from behind a press. "Willow. This entire area was a willow grove when I got here. I chopped the trees down myself. A few carpenters and (-barrel makers-) owed the Knights of the Sun some favors, and they were only too happy to help build the house and winery, and the casks and presses. Everything here is willow."

Eric whistled to himself. "That was a lot of trees."

Sturm appeared between some stacked barrels near the Azirian. "It was."

"Do they work well? I mean, other than the flavor?"

Sturm bristled. "And what is wrong with the flavor? The Sun Knights are one of my major customers. They like the flavor."

Eric raised his hands defensively. "Nothing is wrong with it. It is just unusual among wines. It is definitely not one of the sweeter wines." Looking for a change of tack, Eric suggested, "What if we buy the prisoners? We can exchange some of your wine for the prisoners?"

Sturm thought for a moment. "It wouldn't work. I got the impression that the Enforcers would not be pleasant, and the guards would not want to be visited by those men."

Adria had been idly looking around the large room. "I still see problems with your plans on how to get us into the hold. Bree and I are not knights, you realize. We don't even look like knights. I may be an archer, but I don't have a warrior's sword, and Bree doesn't even have calluses on her hands from handling swords for a living. No knight in his right mind would mistake us for knights."

Adria considered for a moment when no one answered her concerns. "Are Inquisitors Heka aware? Do they have anyone who knows how to use Heka? How do they know when they have found someone who does use Heka?"

Sturm answered, "The Inquisitors question the suspect until they receive a confession. All suspects confess sooner or later."

Bilbus muttered under his breath, "Amazing success rate. Must be the daggers they use on their victims."

Breanna offered, "What if we put them all to sleep? Like we do to Adria on boat trips?" She thought for a moment. "But they may detect the casting. Maybe we can mix a sleep draught that we can put into their water supply, or their wine?"

"I used to be able to weave a ward against poisons..." Bilbus grumbled.

Eric looked at the barrels in the winery. "What if we dress up some of us as Inquisitors, and hide others in wine casks. We can make a 'delivery' of wine to Hold Asam. We can put an archer or two in the trees, as well."

Bilbus shook his head. "We would have to have a fair bit of wine in the bottom of each cask, in case they decide to tap it. It might make whoever is in the cask a little drunk from the smell."

Adria asked, "What about the other prisoners? Do you plan to kill them?"

Sturm shook his head. "No. They are enemies of the Inquisitors."

Rishala continued with the thought. "We should let them loose and give them weapons. They can help us fight our way out, or they can start a resistance against the Inquisitors." He paused for a moment. "We need more information on conditions at the hold."

Eric nodded. "Agreed."

Sturm looked at the Caledonian. "Rishala, you can see through walls. You would be able to see what is going on inside the hold."

Breanna shuddered. "But they may detect the casting."

Rishala looked at her. "It has a long range. I can activate it from a distance. If we see them rush out of the hold, we will know they can detect Heka use."

Sturm nodded. "Once we have the information, we can have Rishala make us invisible. We can approach the hold under cover of invisibility."

A thought occurred to Bilbus. "Where is their water supply?"

"There's a well inside, below the kitchen," Sturm replied immediately.

"Hmmm," Bilbus said. "The stables are a separate building?" Sturm nodded. "We could burn the stables to distract them. A few of us could slip in unnoticed while they put out the fire and rescue the horses."

"I could raise some fog," Rishala offered. "It would be dense enough, we could approach without them seeing us."

Adria snorted. "So, instead of the archers shooting at us, they shoot into the fog where we're hiding?"

"They're less likely to hit anyone," Rishala retorted.

Sturm looked outside. "It will be night soon. We should get some meals readied. We can stay in the house tonight and get underway early."

The Sun Knight ushered everyone out of the winery. He stopped to lock the door, then led everyone back to the house.

8th Luis 2045

The following morning was a dreary gray. A layer of clouds had blown in over the night, blocking the sun's warming rays. The party left the Scowling Knight Vineyards early in the morning, following the muddy road as it wound southwards. The road soon left the riverbed behind as it wound into the low hills that marked the extremity of the Middle Range. The snow was thin along the route, no more than an inch or two deep on the sides of the road.

The party wore the Inquisitor tabards Sturm had taken from the Sunkeep, just in case any Sun Knights were patrolling the road. Sturm's vineyard was the southernmost settlement along the road, so it was highly unlikely that anyone other than knights would be encountered during the day's ride.

Near midday, the party reached a sparse forest. The sun had finally cut through the clouds, and the ground warmed appreciably.

After two more hours of riding, the party reached the south end of the forest. The road continued south onto some open plains. About five hundred paces from the edge of the forest stood a pair of buildings in a wooden wall, a couple miles beyond the walled compound were the first large hills of the Middle Range proper.

The riders stopped while they were still well-hidden in the trees. They climbed off of their horses and led them forty paces away from the road, where there were enough trees to conceal them from casual observation. They tied the horses to nearby trees, then Sturm, Eric, Rishala, and Bilbus moved south until they could see compound easily. Eric and Bilbus drew their spyglasses and swept across the snow-covered plains around the hold. The road they had followed for the last day and a half crossed the plains, passing the east side of the hold before continuing to the hills beyond. The route south of the hold was still snow-covered; there had not been enough traffic on the road to clear the snow.

Bilbus brought his spyglass back to the hold to study the facility. The wooden palisade walls were rectangular, with the longer sides facing to the east and west. The wall was about ten feet tall, and a pace-wide walkway atop the palisade encircled the entire compound.

Bilbus lowered his spyglass. "How did they put a walkway on top of that wall? Isn't it just logs?"

Sturm squinted as he stared at Hold Asam. "It's a double wall. We used dirt to fill the space between the inner and outer wall, then put planks on top."

Bilbus nodded to himself and resumed watching the compound. Almost a dozen men walked along the top of the wall, each carrying a bow. Another four men huddled in front of a gate on the east wall. The gate was closed.

There were two buildings inside the compound. The nearest had a steep slate shingle roof that sloped towards the wall. The farthest was a two story house. Most of the upper level of that building was visible above the wall, but there were twenty feet between the house and the wall. The house was built of stone, and it, too, had a steep slate-shingled roof. The front of the house faced north, towards the other building.

Bilbus lowered his spyglass, then handed it to Sturm. "The closer building is the stables, right?"

Sturm nodded as he started studying the hold.

Eric stopped looking for a few moments. "The hold has a good layout. This is the closest cover to the hold, and we're still well out of bowshot. It is odd that they used a wooden palisade, and the top floor of the main building is exposed."

Sturm explained, "Hold Asam is a logistical base. It's a stopping point for knights heading to Hold Rao, which is about a half day south, in the foothills. It was never meant to be anything more than that. The original facility was a house. There used to be some ranchland here, years ago, before people started moving farther from the Middle Ranges."

Eric looked around the vista ahead of him, this time without the spyglass. The snowy fields looked undisturbed once one got away from the road. "I don't think they're patrolling the area."

Sturm watched the guards on the palisades. "They have an excellent field of view. This forest is the only place anyone can get within half a mile of the hold. And, again, it is a logistical base, not a military base."

Bilbus glanced at the Sun Knight. "But your order is using it as a prison?"

"The Inquisitors are using it as a prison," Sturm corrected.

Eric looked through his spyglass again. "I don't think we can burn the stables. The roof, at least, is stone."

Rishala muttered, "Aye, leave it to Bilbus to want to burn the place down."

"What?" Bilbus protested.

Kasey approached the group. "Hey, what are you doing?" He spotted the spyglasses. "Oh, neat! Can I see one?"

Eric offered his to the knight.

Kasey immediately put the large lens to his eye and turned to Bilbus. "Hey! You got really small!"

Bilbus grabbed the telescope and turned it around, then gave it back to the knight. From the glimmer in Kasey's eye, Bilbus was not sure if the knight was serious.

"Well," Rishala asked. "Shall I take a look around and see what I can see?"

"Yes," Bilbus said. "And, if you can make the casting as noisy as possible, we will be able to tell if anyone in the hold can sense you."

"Okay." Rishala concentrated and felt a sudden surge of magickal energies flow through him.

Bilbus staggered back involuntarily as the Caledonian rapidly weaved the strands of power into the casting. Behind him, he heard Breanna ask in a daze, "Where did the butterflies come from?"

The sudden surge vanished after a few seconds. Bilbus stepped forward and said, "If anyone in that Hold knows anything about Heka, he'd have felt that."

Sturm observed the guards on the palisade for several seconds. "Nothing. I thought as much."

Rishala focused on the point of magickal energy in front of him. The energy felt frazzled, with invisible strands jutting out all over it. The ideal casting would have been smooth, leaving no loose strands or other infirmities, but the ideal casting would have taken another three minutes of shaping, and it would have been quieter.

Rishala's field of view shifted as he concentrated on the magickal energies. He directed the orb forward, feeling the sensation of flight as his point of view moved quickly towards Hold Asam. The view passed over the palisade wall and turned about as Rishala looked at the front of the stables. There were seven stalls, all occupied, and some bales of hay to one side. The bales would likely burn fairly nicely, but it would do little more than singe the inner palisade and blacken the stables.

The front side of the stables was tall, nearly twenty feet from ground to tip, with the sloping only to the wall.

A distant voice disturbed Rishala's concentration. "Rishala? What do you see?" Bilbus asked from afar.

"I am looking at the front of the stables. There are seven stalls."

The distant Bilbus asked, "Is it full?"

"Yes. Seven horses. The hay is on the side of the building. You could burn it, but you won't damage anything important. I'm going to inspect the house."

He flew towards the front doors, set in a miniature courtyard surrounded on three sides by the house. Once through the doors, and the brief disorientation he always felt passing the scrying point through solid matter, he found a comfortable atrium. Three men -- Inquisitors each with a gold braided rope looped on the right shoulder of his uniform -- sat around a table, discussing some papers. Rishala flew around to look over their shoulders at the papers.

The sheet on the top of the stack showed a listing of dried goods. The paper was titled "Beith 2045 requisitions". Rishala waited as the men set the paper aside and looked at the next. "Scheduled Armorer rotation, 2045". The third paper was more tables of supplies. Rishala moved on.

The west wing of the house's ground floor held a kitchen and dining area. The dining hall had once been a formal room, but years of soldiers had reduced the condition of the walls and furnishings to a disappointing degree. The mess hall was empty, and the kitchen was unmanned, although a healthy fire roared in the fireplace.

Rishala flew through the wall to the southeastern corner of the building. This large room held many beds, bunked two high. The windows were covered with thick curtains, and in the dim light Rishala saw sleeping forms in half of the beds. He stopped to relay what he had found to his friends.

Rishala went north through the east wing of the house. The east wing was divided into six individual rooms, half of which were occupied by sleeping men. The appointments in the room were nicer than in the common areas of the mansion, and Rishala spotted another set of the golden braided rope epaulets in one of the rooms.

He sent the scrying weave through the ceiling of the room and surveyed the upper floor. Above the officers' quarters and barracks room were several rooms that had been closed off. From the dust on the furnishings, they appeared to have been unused for some time. Two of the rooms were sleeping chambers, and they still had large beds in place. The other room was an emptied study.

The south end of the house had two more bedrooms, both empty but showing signs of maintenance. The open windows in the first one gave a dramatic view of the foothills to the south, and the distant snowy peaks of the Middle Ranges just visible in the haze of distance.

Rishala moved back to a hallway and followed it to the west wing. The door at the end of the hallway was closed and guarded by two Sun Knights. Rishala flew the scrying point between them and through the door.

The room beyond once was a ballroom, Rishala guessed. He could see fixtures in the ceiling that must have held chandeliers, and the wooden tiling in the floor was intricate despite years of scuffs and dirt. The original walls were no longer visible, because someone had partitioned the ballroom into a dozen cells and a central hallway. The cells were cramped, little more than five feet long and five wide. The walls were unfinished wood planks, several inches thick, with a small shuttered window on each of the twelve doors and an opening a few inches high on the bottom of the door to accommodate food trays.

"I found the cells," he said. Even his own voice felt distant while he focused on the scrying magicks.

"How many prisoners are there?" Rishala heard Sturm's voice ask. "How have they been treated?"

Rishala flew through the cells, one by one, and spent a minute looking at each of the occupants. "There are eight men," he finally reported. "I see bruises, but no cuts."

"Who has the key?" Sturm asked.

Rishala flew back into the hallway. He sent his scrying point around both of the guards, looking for the telltale keyring. Finding none, he next sent the magickal orb down to the ground floor. The three men were now passing a steaming pitcher around. Rishala inspected the men until he started to feel dizzy from the fast motion of his point of view. Ah! "I found it. One of the officers has a ring of keys on his belt."

"Officers?" Bilbus asked from afar.

"Aye, men with gold braids on their shoulder."

"Yes," Sturm confirmed. "Those are officers. How many are there?"

"Six officers. Three in the atrium of the house, awake. That's where the keys to the prison cells are. Three more are sleeping in ground floor rooms on the east side of the house."

"How many other men?" Sturm asked.

"You see the twelve on the wall and four at the gate. There are two watching the prison cell, which is on the top floor, west side. About twenty are sleeping in the barracks on the ground floor, southeast corner."

"Forty men," Bilbus moaned.

"Closer to fifty," Rishala corrected, "counting the officers."

Rishala stopped focusing on the scrying orb, leaving it floating in the atrium of the house, undetected. He felt the momentary vertigo as he started seeing what was in front of him, instead of what the magickal orb saw.

Eric and the others had walked back to the horses, and they huddled there to plan. Rishala joined them.

The Azirian was speaking. "We now know what the hold is like. Sturm's overview and the details Rishala just now reported give us a pretty clear idea of what the hold's defenses are. Now we just need to decide whether we should be subtle about our rescue or blatant."

Bilbus snorted. "We poison the officers. Rishala, you can make the little officer's braid? Make one for me. All the rest of the officers take ill, and I take charge. I'll keep the men busy while the rest of you break the prisoners out."

Breanna stood close to her horse, her arms tightly crossed as she tried to keep warm. She coughed once, then spoke. "What if a couple of us sneak in as kitchen help? The knights would ignore us, and we could easily put a sleeping powder into their food or drink."

Rishala answered. "The only people I saw in the compound are either the knights or their prisoners. I dinna see any staff."

Bilbus sighed loudly. "You know, it wasn't this cold in Erelhei Cinlu."

Sturm quickly retorted, "You would rather be there?"

"It's warmer there!" He looked towards the hold, which was barely visible from this vantage point. "Maybe we ought to wait until dark and take out the guards at the gate with the longbows. When some more come out, we shoot them, too. When they rush out to attack, we lead them on a merry chase through the forest while someone sneaks into the hold to rescue the prisoners."

"But," Kasey protested, "we need hounds for a merry chase."

Bilbus sighed. "All right. You can take me up to the gates and turn me in as a Heka user. They'll take me inside to be a prisoner, and I can spring everyone from inside."

Adria chuckled. "Sure. And they'll bludgeon you before they lock you up."

Bilbus leveled a stare at Adria. "I'll be bludgeoned, but I'll be warm!"

Rishala looked at the thief. Under his breath, he muttered "Idiot." Louder, he said, "We could sneak in and poison the food supply. If these knights sneak in piecemeal to grab a bite to eat, we can hide the bodies as they fall, and no one will catch on."

"Maybe," Bilbus said sarcastically, "the knights will miss one another." He changed tacts. "How about this: Eric takes Sturm, Kasey, and I down there. Sturm because he's Atenburg's kid, Kasey because he's a spy," Bilbus put a hand towards Kasey, "I know you aren't a spy, but you would have to pretend. And I get turned in for being a practitioner of foul Heka. The three of us should be able to handle anything they throw at us. Plus, Eric can bring them a few bottles of Scowling Knight that Adria doctors."

"Aye," Rishala said. "And I can sneak in, invisibly, to poison their food, in case some of the knights don't get the wine."

Sturm mulled over the plan for a moment. "Okay. Kasey and I, and Bilbus, go get turned in. Rishala sneaks in with us, invisible, to poison the food. And we break out of there with the prisoners."

"Maybe I should go with the prisoners to spring them out and bring their weapons." Rishala thought aloud.

Bilbus had another thought. "Rishala? That magick you used at the dwarven citadel to create the rope can make anything?"

"Not anything," Rishala replied. "Any ordinary object. Nothing magickal."

Bilbus grinned. "Can you create a sword?"

"Aye, as long as it's not a greatsword."

"It doesn't need to be great. Ordinary is fine," Bilbus grinned to himself when Rishala winced. "Do you know a trigger casting? One that can activate another casting when something happens?"


"Okay, good." Bilbus stooped over a bush and broke a small branch off of it. He turned back to Rishala and held the branch out towards the Caledonian. "So, cast the trigger spell into this branch, and set it so it will activate when someone breaks the stick. Then, make your other casting activate to create a sword. Sturm can hide the stick in his clothing, and, once we're inside, he can break the stick and - poof! - he has a sword. That way, we don't have to smuggle anything, invisibly or otherwise."

"Bilbus," Sturm growled, "I'll be in a cell."

"Which is why I will sneak in to unlock your cell. Then, you take out the guards."

Adria and Breanna were digging through their respective saddle bags, pulling out various herbs and reagents. They started mixing ingredients, using mortars and pestles to pulverize the herbs while they walked around to keep warm. Kasey had wandered towards the edge of the trees, still clutching Eric's spyglass.

Sturm regarded Bilbus. "Do you have a small file? If they decide to shackle me, I'm going to need something to get loose. I may be able to pick the locks."

Bilbus opened his rarely-used lockpick set and drew the file out of it. Sturm took it, then leaned against a tree so he could remove his boot to hide the file.

"Okay," Bilbus said. "Rishala, you need to get invisible so we can get you inside." He turned to the women. "How soon will the poison be ready?"

"A few minutes," Adria replied without looking up from her mixing.

"Great." Bilbus paced between Adria and the horses as he waited.

"Guys!" Kasey's voice rolled through the trees. "Something's happening!"

"So much for surprise," Bilbus grumbled to himself. He ran over to the knight. "Kasey, why in the Nine Hells are you shouting? You know the guards probably heard that!"

"I don't think they care, Bilbus. Look." The Church Knight pointed towards the hold.

Bilbus drew his spyglass and extended it. He looked at the palisade.

The knights who had been walking along the wall had congregated on the southern end of it, looking south. Bilbus lowered his spyglass and turned back to the rest of the party. "Come on! They're distracted. We can get inside easily!"

"Why are they distracted, lad?" Rishala asked.

Bilbus shrugged as he looked at Hold Asam once more. Some of the men on the wall had run down a steep stairwell into the grounds of the hold, out of sight from Bilbus's vantage. The four men guarding the gate were now likewise peering south.

"Uh, oh," the blond knight next to Bilbus muttered.

"What?" Bilbus asked as a sense of worry crept through his mind.

"I know why they're upset. Look at the hills to the south."

Bilbus directed his spyglass farther south. The snow-covered hills were turning gray in the early twilight, but there was an unmistakable formation of hundreds of dark forms cresting one of the hills at a jog.

"We've got company," Bilbus said loudly. He handed his spyglass to Sturm, letting the Sun Knight look at the forms.

Sturm studied the formation in silence. "Orcs. Looks like their normal overland formation. That's five fists right there. So much for Hold Rao."

"Five fists?" Bilbus asked. "That's a lot of orcs, right?"

Sturm nodded darkly. "Over three thousand."

"There's more," Kasey said. "Southeast of the hold, heading towards it. The guys on the wall just spotted them, too."

Sturm swung the spyglass over to the second formation. The dark ripples of movement through the formation looked like waves in a hellish sea of black metal. The formation was split into five groups, each with a front of over twenty orcs wide, all in their blackened plate armor. Banners, too small to identify at this distance, fluttered over each of the fists of orcs.

Sturm lowered the spyglass. "Same size. Ten fists, total. Over seventy-five hundred orcs, plus their Shadow Kindred. The orcs haven't mounted an attack this large in centuries."

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Original Draft 12 January 2002

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