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Back to the previous chapter: Betrayals
First Draft
The Swift sailed south quickly, passing into the wide mouth of the River Llwelyn where it emptied into the Vasmar. The crowded skyline of Londoun stretched as far as the eye could see to east and west along the shores of the Vasmar, a chaotic jumble of steeply peaked roofs and square-topped buildings in various shades of gray beneath a gray sky that grew black to the east, where a powerful thunderstorm was threatening to roll over the city.
Rishala looked at the menacing dark clouds as the wind started picking up. "Naturally. The winds pick up now."
The Swift had spent the last two weeks slowly sailing back to Londoun from Portsdale, pitching slowly on a nearly calm sea. Bilbus had muttered darkly about shaping some winds several times during the slow trip. Rishala had almost laughed to himself the first time. Bilbus may know how to direct Heka to make some winds, but he's not strong enough to make any worthwhile winds. Rishala glanced skywards again for a moment as thunder rumbled distantly. I'm not that strong myself.
A particularly strong gust buffeted the sails above, a miniature thunderclap sounding from the yards of canvas as a weak counterpoint to a flash of lightning somewhere too close to the east.
Rishala carefully climbed the ladder from the main deck to the elevated foredeck, keeping one hand clutched tightly on the rail in spite of the still-gentle waves beneath the ship. His intermittent swimming lessons with Kasey had progressed well, but he still wasn't comfortable diving into water deeper than he was tall.
As a reminder of his situation above such a body of water, a large wave washed against the back of the Swift, pitching the nose precipitously towards the gray water below.
Rishala watched the river traffic ahead, mostly smaller riverboats scurrying to reach shore before the deluge broke. Several large barges had been tied together in the middle of the river, their captains hoping that the storm swell wouldn't be violent enough to endanger them.
The bow of the Swift slowly turned towards the right as the captain steered towards one of the deep-draft docks that was still open. The harbor master hadn't sailed out to meet the ship because of the impending storm, but the captain was determined to make dock before the storm reached the river.
Rishala realized he was gripping the rail too tightly as he watched the dock approach quickly. This is not Bilbus commanding the ship. The captain and crew know what they're doing.
The Swift quickly slowed against the dock, its bow now facing into the wind, as a bright flash of lightning and a tremendous thunderclap issued from overhead. After a rough bounce against the dock, another large wave washed in from sea, this time hitting the starboard side of the ship. Deckhands and dockworkers quickly lashed the Swift to the pier.
Rishala scrambled down the ladder and walked quickly towards a door at the front of the main deck just as Kasey opened it from the other side. The tall Church Knight practically bounced onto the main deck, a large pack slung over one shoulder.
"Hi, Rishala!"
"Hello, Kasey," the storyteller replied just as a heavy downpour started to fall.
"Looks like we're in for some rain today."
Rishala glanced up at the knight incredulously. "Do you really think so?"
Kasey nodded enthusiastically as he held a hand out to catch some raindrops. "It's already started."
Rishala sighed quietly to himself. Two weeks on a becalmed sea did not help his mood, and a glum, sulking Bilbus made matters worse. "Kasey, were you coming on deck? I'd like to get past you into the hold so I can get my belongings, and so I can get my oiled jacket."
Kasey briefly frowned to himself. "Sorry, Rishala." He quickly stepped away from the blocked doorway, standing near the center of the deck, enjoying the rain.
Rishala's companions were on the dock by the time he returned to the deck. His long, dark brown jacket hung from his shoulders, covering him to below the knees. The heavy oiled cloth kept him dry underneath as water droplets rolled down the surface of the jacket.
Rishala walked down the gangplank and stopped next to Kasey.
"Rishala, we're trying to decide where everyone is staying tonight."
"I thought I was staying at Bilbus's apartment." He looked at the thief. "Is that offer still open?"
Bilbus nodded. "You still have a key, and you know how to bypass my security."
Kasey looked at Rishala. "Yes, but what about the ladies? I don't know if Adria's apartment is still available, and there weren't any furnishings left that I remember."
Rishala rubbed his chin. "No, I don't think there are. What about an inn?"
Kasey looked scandalized. "Two unescorted ladies in an inn? That's out of the question." He looked at Breanna Ceiturin and Felicia del Quintin. "Lady Breanna, Lady Felicia, please, honor me by staying at my home. It is modest, but it should be adequate for a short day."
Breanna sputtered. "Modest? Kasey, your house is as fine as my father's!"
Kasey beamed. "That settles it. Ladies? If you'll come with me, I will hire a carriage."
Eric looked at Bilbus for a moment, then looked at Kasey. "Do you have any extra room? I'd stay at Bilbus's place, but I don't remember how to get into it. I can't remember if it's step left, left, right, right, right, left, duck, or if it's step right, left, left, right, duck..."
Bilbus rolled his eyes.
Kasey nodded. "I have enough room. We can share the spare room and let the ladies have the master room." He glanced at the dark sky above. "We really should get the ladies out of the rain. I need to go by the castle and check in before it gets much later, and Farran needs turned loose to run. Shall we?"
Kasey trotted off to find a carriage as the rest of the party moved to the end of the pier.
Rishala turned to Sturm. "Where are you staying?"
"I'm going to the Sun Knight compound to check in. I'll stay there tonight."
When Kasey returned several minutes later, his friends were standing underneath the long overhang of a warehouse roof. The pouring rain spattered on the paving stones as the winds settled from gusts to a more gentle breeze.
Eric and Kasey helped the ladies climb into the covered carriage, then quickly loaded their travel cases in with them. Eric hopped into the carriage as Kasey saddled Farran. The large roan kelpie scowled -- more so than usual -- as the Church Knight cinched the wet saddle to his back.
Rishala mumbled a little too loudly, "I don't see what he's upset about. He likes water."
Farran turned his long head slowly towards Rishala, his ears flat against his head, and snorted once. Rishala unconsciously took a step back.
Bilbus nudged the storyteller. "Come on. No sense standing around here. The storm isn't going to break any time soon." He started trudging away into the rain.
Kasey called after them, "Dinner is at my place tonight! Dress casually!"
Bilbus waved his arm without turning back. Rishala lifted his heavy travel bag and followed the thief.
Sturm started off into the rain as well, heading south along the piers and warehouses towards the Sun Knight compound.
Kasey led the carriage down a road towards his house. After a lengthy trip, he finally stopped in front of his house, one of many multi-story brick homes along a fairly nice street. He jumped down from Farran, leaving the reins loose, and helped Eric and the ladies from the carriage. Eric and Kasey both hauled the bags to the house, and Kasey opened the door.
"Miss Ciara! We have guests for the night!"
An older woman walked into the room, a towel slung over one shoulder of a finely-made beige woolen dress. She looked at the four drenched people standing in the house's atrium in a puddle of water and shook her head.
Ciara curtsied slightly. "Lord Bittrand, so good to see you again! Travels went well?"
Kasey laughed. "Ciara, these are friends."
Her posture shifted slightly. "Kasey, you and your friends have made a fine mess of the floor. We polished it just yesterday, and now look at it! Couldn't you have called for some towels for us to put down?"
Kasey winced. "Sorry, Ciara. I wanted to get us out of the rain."
Ciara rolled her eyes. "Very well. These are your friends who ate with us a few weeks back?"
Kasey brightened. "Yes! Oh, except for her." He gestured towards Felicia. "Lady Felicia del Quintin is the mother of Lady Adria. We are taking her to Armagh for refuge. She and Lady Breanna will stay in my room. Eric and I will bunk in the guest room. Oh, and we're having dinner tonight. The rest of the group will be here later. Three more people."
Ciara muttered under her breath. She then spoke up. "Kasey Bittrand, you know perfectly well that the decor of the guest room is far better for ladies. A knight's barracks is not where one 'bunks' proper ladies. They will have the guest room. You and Eric will stay in your room." She addressed the ladies. "I'll have a servant show you your room. Then I'll get dinner started. Then we'll see what we can do about this floor." She curtsied towards Felicia. "Lady del Quintin, pleased to meet you. Forgive my directness with the knight."
Kasey frowned slightly. "Do you think it's proper for ladies to take the guest room?" Ciara nodded. Kasey smiled again. "Excellent! I'll be back later. I need to check in and turn Farran loose."
The Church Knight bounded out the door and down the stairs. He glanced off to his left and shouted, "Farran! Get back here! We were heading to the castle now. Waiting another minute wasn't going to kill you, horse. I needed to get my guests inside!" He took off running down the street.
Eric glanced out the door at the receding knight chasing a slowly-walking shadow of a horse in the rain, then shut the door.
The following morning, the sun peeked from behind a few cottony clouds in the bright blue sky. Bilbus trotted out from the bakery his apartment was over, a still-steaming sweet roll in one hand. He juggled it carefully, trying not to burn his hand as he rushed across the still-wet cobblestones of Falagos Square. Directly across the square from his apartment was a jeweler's store, his destination.
By the time he walked through the open front door of the whitesmith's shop, he had managed to take a bite from his sweet roll. The smith looked up from an intricate gold-wire necklace that he was shaping, his silver-and-black hair framing a wrinkled visage. He greeted Bilbus without stopping his work. "Good day, lord. What may interest you this day?"
"I need a ring made."
The smith nodded as he put an eyepiece over one eye. He looked closely at the necklace for a moment, then called out, "Gwyn, my wife! We need an order taken."
From the back of the shop came Gwyn. She was slightly younger than her husband, with long white hair gathered into a tail. She looked at Bilbus for a moment before picking up a stylus and sliding a pot of ink near a large pad of parchment on a counter in the back of the show room.
"Lord? What do you need?"
Bilbus held his hand forward. He looked at his signet ring for a moment, fleeting thoughts of wonder passing through his mind as he did.
"Sorry. I need a ring fashioned with my family's signet, in gold. I need it for this size." He produced Adria's signet ring from a hidden pouch in his doublet.
Gwyn sketched on the parchment, drawing the del Cartach signet. She put on a monocle similar to her husband's, inspecting the signet closely to make sure she matched the markings correctly. She then put the monocle aside and produced a tapering metal rod. She held out a hand. "Lord? The Lady's ring please?"
Bilbus gave her Adria's del Quintin signet ring. Gwyn slid it onto the tapering rod, noting the marks on the rod onto the parchment, then returned the ring to Bilbus.
"It will take a couple of weeks to ready the ring, Lord. We do require a deposit, you understand."
Bilbus pulled a gold coin from his pouch. "Will a Drake be enough?"
Gwyn nodded. "Of course, Lord." She started writing on a separate sheet of parchment, dabbing the ink with a blotter as she did. She handed the small page to Bilbus, then took the gold Drake. "Your receipt, Lord. I am sure my husband will be finished with it in three weeks, but he may be able to finish earlier."
"Thank you." Bilbus folded the receipt and placed it in a pocket. He walked out of the shop and finished his sweet roll. He trotted back across the square, now filling with traffic and a few merchants setting up wagons to sell their wares.
At the Castle Treasa, Kasey sat in the office of the commander of the Knights of Kells' Londoun detachment. He squirmed in his seat while waiting. When the commander opened the doorway to his office and stepped in, Kasey jumped to his feet.
"At ease, Sir Kasey. You may sit."
"Sir Mikall, I would prefer to stand."
The commander took his seat across the desk from Kasey. "As you wish, Kasey. What news do you bring today? More orcs?"
"No, sir. I presided over a wedding between a lord and lady."
"You did?" The knight looked at Kasey. Kasey had resoundingly failed to learn priestcraeft well enough to communicate with the gods.
"Well," Kasey said. "I didn't actually do the formal ceremony. I had another person do that. I think she did really well."
"Was she a priestess?"
"Oh, no. She's a healer. An apothecary, by trade. But she knew the rites."
Mikall put his hands on his desk. "Kasey, they really should be married formally. A wedding between two noble houses needs to be recorded properly."
Kasey nodded. "It is. See?" He produced a sheet of paper from his doublet.
The head knight picked up the paper. It was a formal recording of a marriage, complete with appropriate seals and witnesses.
"Good, Kasey. I'll have a page run this to the cathedral so they can enter it formally in the rolls." The knight raised his voice. "Page!"
A young man ran into the room and snapped to attention in front of the desk. "Sir!" he barked nervously.
Mikall held the paper out. "Take this to the senior Father at the cathedral. Tell him it needs entered into the wedding rolls."
The page snapped a crisp salute, took the offered paper, and turned and ran out the door.
Kasey watched him leave. "He is enthusiastic."
The head knight nodded. "He is. I think Ilar may be top of his class when he completes training in two years." Mikall looked glanced towards the open door, then leaned back in his chair. "So, Kasey. What else is going on?"
"Well, Sir Mikall, I was going to escort Lady Felicia del Quintin to Armagh." Kasey explained what had happened in Portsdale, mentioning the treachery of Lord del Quintin and Bilbus's finding his noble history.
Mikall waited after Kasey finished. "Interesting. Isn't the Harvest Festival coming soon?"
"Yes it is. I would like to take leave to participate in it while I am in Armagh."
"Very well. Kasey, take your armor this time."
"But I'm going to a party!"
Mikall sighed. "That's what you said last time you went to Armagh for a party. You were nearly killed by orcs during the side trip you took. Remember?"
"Yes, sir."
"Anything else, Kasey?"
"No, sir."
"Very well. You are dismissed. Have fun during Lugnassadh."
Kasey stood to leave, saluting Mikall as he did.
When Kasey returned to his house, he noticed most of his companions had arrived already. Their horses were tied to posts along the street in front of the house, waiting placidly for the humans to return from within. Kasey again left Farran untied on the side of the road and walked into his home.
Breanna sat in the center of the atrium, the contents of several packs spread around her in a semi-circle and her dress similarly draped. She was sorting through some small pouches and mixing herbs. She glanced up when Kasey stopped next to her pouches. "Hi, Kasey! I'm sorry about the mess. I figured I had a few minutes before we left, so I thought I'd organize the herbs I just picked up at the apothecary's shop down the road."
"That's okay, Lady Breanna." Kasey continued past her. "Sturm, what's with the large bundle behind the saddle on your horse?"
Sturm continued to lean against a door post. "I picked up spare armor and a second sword, just in case we run into trouble. I was caught without a spare bow during the trip north, and my armor didn't do too well soaking in the Vasmar for a few days."
"Oh. That makes sense. I have to take my armor with me this time."
Sturm raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"
"Head Knight Sir Mikall thought I should take it this time. I told him it was just a party, but he said, 'I know. That's what you said last time.'"
Someone snickered.
A loud pounding at the door interrupted the conversation. Kasey quickly opened the door. Bilbus was leaning against the doorframe, a half-empty bottle of wine in one hand and a reek of alcohol and taback rising from him.
"Are you okay, Bilbus?" a concerned Kasey asked.
"Fine. Just great. Are we ready to go?"
"Well, I think so."
Breanna was quickly gathering her pouches and stowing them in her travel packs. "I'm almost ready!"
A few minutes later, everyone was riding south along the road. Farran led a pair of other horses piled high with sacks and small boxes.
Eric looked at the pile. "Gods, Kasey! Is all of this your armor?"
Kasey looked over his shoulder at the procession and laughed. "No, I brought provisions. This trip is two days, and I don't want us going hungry."
Eric lifted one of the canvas tarpaulins. "What's this, a pig?"
"Yeah. It's a gift for Lord Ithell. Do you think we should roast it on the way? I could get a smoking wagon."
"No, we can wait until we get there."
"Good idea. I like buried roast myself."
Two pleasant days of riding later, the party approached Armagh. The fields around the town had turned golden hues as the grain crops had ripened for harvest. A cool breeze from the north reminded the travelers that fall was coming soon, with winter close after.
Kasey rode next to Sturm, holding his right hand out towards the Sun Knight, his elbow bent. "Come on, Sturm!"
Sturm continued to stare straight ahead. "For the last time, Kasey, I am not going to arm wrestle with you while we're riding. We'll both wind up on the paving stones."
"Awww." He stood in his stirrups, one hand on his forehead to screen the sun. "What are they doing?"
Rishala looked where Kasey pointed. In the cleared area between the town and the Ithell manor, several men took turns throwing a large log.
"It's a caber toss, Kasey," the storyteller replied.
"What's that?"
Bilbus snorted. "A small fish you throw?"
Rishala sighed. "No. It's a pole or log. The idea is to carry it upright, and throw it ahead of you. It needs to flip over once, pointing straight away from you. It's a Caledonian game."
Kasey scratched his head. "Why would you do it?"
"In Caledonia, there are a lot of small rivers. When the armies move, they need to cross the rivers quickly. One of the stronger soldiers carries the pole, which he tosses to bridge the river. Then everyone can cross quickly."
Kasey sat back into his saddle. "I see. That's brilliant!"
The group rode onward for a few minutes in silence.
Breanna offered, "If anyone wants a place to stay, I do have plenty of room at my house."
Bilbus sat forward on his saddle. "I'll go with you, Bree."
Eric looked at Bilbus oddly. "I think I'll stay with my father, Bree. Thank you, though."
"Okay, Eric." She paused. "Well, I'll join everyone for dinner this evening? At Lord Ithell's house?"
Eric smiled. "Of course. You are welcome to come by before then, you know."
Breanna returned the smile. "I know."
She sped her horse to a trot. Bilbus kept with her as they rode through town.
"Bree? I thought your house was on the southwest end of town."
"It is. Why?"
"We are almost through Armagh. The southeast end."
"Oh, really? I must have taken a wrong turn." She steered her horse due west down one of the roads.
"Uh huh. Where does you dad live again?"
"On the north west side of town. Why?"
"No reason."
The two rode on in silence for a few minutes before reaching her house. It was modest, but still was lived in. Breanna's servants kept the house while she was away, and it was very inviting. Bilbus swung off of his horse, handing the reins to a stable hand as he walked towards the front door. Breanna slid off her horse and greeted a large wolf-dog hybrid that charged her enthusiastically.
She glanced up as Bilbus stared. "This is my dog, Loki."
Bilbus shook his head. He'd heard of the Javik gods. For some reason, he thought 'Loki' was the Javik god of mischief.
Breanna finished greeting her dog and went to the front door. She opened it and walked in, with Bilbus behind her and the dog standing behind both of them, wagging its tail happily.
"This is my house. I can have a room prepared for you."
"No, that's okay, Bree."
"Where will you stay?"
"Probably go back to Eric's. It would be unseemly for a married man to stay here alone, don't you think?"
Breanna blushed. "This is true. Well, shall I give you a tour?"
Bilbus followed her through the house, not particularly interested in the tour. He unconsciously appraised her furniture and artwork and the more portable objects within the house. Not too bad of a haul, he thought to himself, embarrassed as he realized what he was doing.
Breanna repeated something to him.
"Sorry, Bree. What was that?" He realized he was standing at the bottom of the stairs into the cellar.
Breanna turned a key in the door in front of them. "Please don't talk about this room to anyone."
She walked in, holding a lantern in front of her as she did. Bilbus followed. He gasped as he looked around the room. "Gods, Bree! This is an alchemy lab, isn't it?"
Breanna nodded, glancing nervously towards the open doorway and the stairs up.
"Bree, you know that you could be killed if the wrong people found out you had this laboratory."
"I know. I figured that, what with your penchant for channeling, you might be someone who could keep his mouth shut about it."
"I will." Bilbus ran a hand along the large table in the middle of the room. Various scales and weights cluttered one end of it, and various crystal containers were arranged on the other end.
Breanna stood for a few moments in the room before returning to the stairs. Bilbus followed her back to the top. Bilbus stretched his arms and yawned. "I think I'll head to the Ithell's to get ready for dinner. Are you coming over now?"
Breanna glanced towards the drawn curtains of the house. "I think I'll stay here for now. I'll be by for dinner."
"Suit yourself. I'll see you then." Bilbus left the house.
When Bilbus reached the Ithell manor, Eric met him at the door.
"Where is Breanna?"
"She's hiding from her dad, Eric. She'll be here for dinner."
"What?" Eric stood aside to let Bilbus in.
Bilbus rolled his eyes. "Didn't you two talk at all during all the time you spent together? Or were you too busy to talk?"
"What do you mean?"
Bilbus stepped past the Azirian. "Forget it. She left town last time against her father's wishes. She doesn't want to wind up another trophy wife to be sold to the highest bidder, and she's decided that instead of confronting her father, she'll just hide from him. You don't understand what I'm saying, do you?"
Eric thought for a moment. "No, I understand. I just hadn't really thought about it. I wondered why she was so withdrawn during the ride down here."
Kasey ran into the atrium of the manor house. "Hey, Bilbus! Hey, Eric! Where's Sturm?" The Church Knight reeked of ash, oil, and coals.
Eric crinkled his nose. "Why?"
"Your father's blacksmith apprentices are willing to arm wrestle. I found someone for us to practice against!"
"I don't think Sturm really cares to arm wrestle, Kasey. He went into town, anyway."
"Oh." Kasey paused for a moment. "Wait, that means more for me! See ya!" He raced out of the house again.
Bilbus watched the knight run towards the corner of the house, then shut the door. He faced Eric again. "Did you introduce Adria's mother to your parents?"
Eric paused. "Yes."
"They're talking right now. She had just told them about what happened to your family when I left. I don't think there's going to be much of a problem with her staying here." A glint of mischief flashed in his eye. "Some nobles do care about other people."
Bilbus grunted. "Just not Dalesian nobles."
"You're a Dalesian noble, Bilbus."
Bilbus scowled. "Stop it, Eric. You really think Felicia will be safe here?"
Eric smiled. "By the time Lady del Quintin tells Mother what her husband did to her, I suspect Mother will want to march an army on the del Quintin household. It's probably a good thing that we aren't really a military holding, or she would levy troops."
Rishala walked into the atrium. He had changed into some rougher, stained clothing.
Bilbus grinned. "Decided to give up your ways and become a peasant?"
"No. I used to help my family with the sheep or the crops. I was going to see if I can help around here any." Rishala continued past Eric and Bilbus and on towards the fields near Armagh.
"Well," Eric started. "I guess we know what everyone else is doing until the festival. What about you Bilbus?"
"Oh, I don't know. I thought I might wander around town and see the sights. You?"
"I am going to help Father with his famous seven day, seven alarm chili. He got a few spices from Karasimi that he hasn't had in several years."
"Chili? What's that?"
"It's a spicy stew. You'll like it, Bilbus." Eric paused, a distant expression on his face. "It'll give me a chance to discuss some things with Father."
Bilbus struggled to keep from smiling. "You mean 'some one'."
Eric's attention snapped back to Bilbus. "Huh?"
"'Someone', not 'some thing'."
"I don't know what you are talking about."
Bilbus shook his head and turned for the door. "Of course not. I'll see you later."
The preparations for the festival became obvious a few days later. The entire day before the festival began, townsfolk hauled large feasting tables and benches out to the commons between the manor house and town. The same commons had been a dancing field during the Fertility Festival of spring, but the Harvest Festival didn't involve much dancing.
On the first day of the festival, the tables along the western end of the commons were covered with food. Stacks of bread and rolls, various pastries and pies, kegs of beer and ale, platters of meat, the variety was substantial.
Kasey had selected one end of the row of tables for his own, smaller table. He had discovered to his chagrin that there were no arm wrestling contests at this festival, so he had purchased a couple of kegs of Janus Ithell's finest beer. He placed a tapped keg on the end of his table and scrawled a sign on a discarded roof shingle:
Several of the townspeople chuckled as they continued setting up the ample stacks of food on the tables. Kasey just sat, arms crossed, next to the end of the table, smiling.
As the afternoon wore on, more people from the village started arriving at the commons. They gathered food from the serving tables, many passing Kasey with a laugh. Kasey continued to wait, still smiling.
Eric stopped in front of Kasey's sign. "Any luck yet?"
Kasey's smile slipped. "No. No one wants to arm wrestle me."
"Most of the farmers should be showing up soon. A lot of them live farther out, and it takes them some time to get here. I would guess they will want to play. Would you like to try some of my father's chili?" He paused a moment as a quizzical expression crossed Kasey's face. "Spicy stew?"
"Okay! That sounds great! I've been getting hungry sitting here watching people carry all this food out here."
"I will get you a bowl of it, Kasey."
As Eric walked away, Bilbus slumped into the chair opposite Kasey.
"Are you going to arm wrestle me for my beer?"
Bilbus wiped some sweat from his brow. "Will you let me win?"
"What's the fun of that?"
"I'm thirsty."
"What were you doing?"
"I was helping set the tables up, Kase."
"I thought it was you. I wasn't sure."
"How many people dress like this?" Bilbus stood up, waving hands over his black leather jacket.
"Not many."
Bilbus nodded in satisfaction. "I'm going to grab a bite to eat."
"Oh! Try Lord Ithell's chili. Eric said it's really good."
Bilbus nodded and looked down the aisle of serving tables. As he stood to one side, a large man stopped next to him in front of Kasey's table. The smell of sweat and cattle washed past Bilbus.
The rancher looked at the keg. "Is that good beer?"
Kasey nodded. "Lord Ithell's private stock. I think it's good."
The man dropped into the chair and placed his elbow on the table. "Let's see, then."
Kasey practically fell out of his chair as he shifted excitedly to arm wrestle the man.
Bilbus turned down the aisle to look for Eric and Janus Ithell.
He found them half way down the row of tables. A line of people had formed in front of a large cauldron that Eric continually stirred. Janus Ithell himself ladled chili from the cauldron, filling bowls as fast as he could.
Bilbus waited in the line. The older woman in front of him took a mouthful of the chili as soon as it was in her bowl. "Lord Ithell, this is a little hotter than it's been the last few years."
"I got a fresh shipment of mustards from Karasimi. We've been out for two years, now. That is a hard ingredient to get."
The woman smiled as she passed Bilbus, bowl cupped in one hand and a spoon in the other. Bilbus picked up a bowl and held it towards Lord Ithell. Janus ladled a helping of the stew into the bowl. "Have you had chili before, Bilbus?"
"No, Janus. Not that I know of."
"I hope you like it."
Bilbus picked up a spoon and walked away, wandering back towards Kasey's table. He cautiously sniffed at the reddish stew and nearly fell over coughing from the almost overwhelming spicy aroma. He lifted a spoonful of the thick stew to his mouth and cautiously stuck his tongue into it, wanting to lap at the broth. It felt as if his tongue were aflame. His eyes teared up, and it took several blinks to clear them enough so that he could see. He snorted several times, trying to clear his nose so he could breathe again. This is a little hotter than usual?!?
Bilbus had stopped in front of Kasey's table. Bilbus coughed again as he put the spoon back into the bowl of chili. "How goes the wrestling, Kasey?"
Kasey beamed. "I've had several people already. I even lost a couple of the matches."
"Great!" Bilbus looked at his bowl. "Would you like some chili?"
"Eric didn't bring me any yet."
"He's a little busy. Their cauldron is the only place where there are people waiting for food." He held the bowl out. "Here."
"Thanks, Bilbus!" Kasey took the bowl and sniffed at it. "It is pretty spicy, isn't it."
"It could kill the Great Lor..." Bilbus stopped. "I think I'm going to see what else is around to eat."
"Okay! Thanks for this chili!"
"No problem." Bilbus wandered away again.
Bilbus stopped by Kasey's table close to sunset. Kasey had replaced the shingle with another one that read "Take my chili."
"How goes the matches, Kase?"
Kasey looked up at Bilbus. "I think I am losing most of them now that I put the chili out."
"It was a little strong for you, too?"
"I drank four mugs of ale to stop the burning. Maybe I drank them too fast. I think it's time to stop playing. Where's our friends?"
Bilbus stood on his toes and scanned around the dining tables. He spotted Eric and Sturm easily in the crowd. "Over there." He pointed.
Kasey stood up and almost fell back down again. Bilbus grabbed his arm to steady the knight.
"Maybe I did win more than I thought."
"C'mon, Kase. Let's get you over there and find something to drink with less of a kick."
The thief helped the knight wind through the tables, avoiding crowded aisles where the knight would have trouble navigating, until they finally reached the table near the edge of the commons. Kasey dropped onto the bench next to Sturm, and Bilbus walked around the table to sit next to Eric.
Bilbus glanced around. "Where is Felicia?"
Eric swallowed a mouthful of chili. Bilbus winced. Eric grinned and replied, "She and Mother are at the manor, talking."
Eric just nodded.
"What about Bree?"
"She said she'd be by. I think she is still avoiding her father."
Bilbus nodded to himself. He noticed the priestess from the local church approaching. She returned greetings as she worked her way through the throngs of people sitting along the tables. She stopped at the table where the party sat. She smiled at Bilbus, then put a hand on Kasey's shoulder. "Sir Knight, it is good to see you healthy."
Kasey bowed his head a little. "The danger seems to be avoiding me lately, Mother."
"Maybe it is finally learning to avoid you."
"Maybe..." The Church Knight lowered his voice. "I hope not."
The priestess continued past the table to a small raised stand on the edge of the commons. She was joined by Armagh's priest as well. The crowd hushed as the two stood, looking over the crowd.
She looked over the dozens of tables and hundreds of townspeople for a moment as the murmur of conversation faded. At last, she spoke. "Father Abloc and I have spent the day visiting fields around Armagh to select which one will provide the grains for this year's tribute to Bres. As always is the case, we have had a difficult time choosing the best field. All of them are very healthy and bountiful. I would have to say Bres has blessed Armagh once again."
An approving murmur rolled through the crowd.
Father Abloc spoke next. "Mother Sativola and I chose a field." He looked towards a well-dressed man sitting near the front of the commons. "Efan Daykin's barley field will be used for this year's tribute. Efan, please come up here?"
The man jumped to his feet amidst cheers. He walked proudly to the front of the commons, stopping by Father Abloc and Mother Sativola. Father Abloc opened a coin purse and started counting coins, placing them in Daykin's cupped hands.
Mother Sativola spoke as Abloc counted. "Efan Daykin receives the traditional award of thirty silver Crowns. Tonight, after sunset, we will go to his field to conduct the ceremonial harvesting of the crop. Anyone who wishes to participate is welcome to join us."
Abloc finished counting the thirty silver coins. Efan set them on a table and picked out five coins. "Daragh, you asked me to help you at the beginning of this season when your crops failed after the heavy storms we had. I told you that you could help tend my crops, for there were too many for me alone. You did, and your help on this barley crop was excellent. Please, take five coins as my gratification, and see me in the spring. You have a job with my farms for as long as you want it."
Another round of cheers rang out as another man came to the front to take the offered coins.
Efan picked up the remaining coins and held his cupped hands to the priest. "Father Abloc, I appreciate the honor of being chosen to serve the Church this harvest. An award of coin is always appreciated. I am a successful farmer, however, and I believe that the Church can find others more worthy of these coin than I. Please, take these coin as an offering to the Church."
Father Abloc opened the coin purse and Efan poured the coins back into it. No one was really surprised by the offer -- often, the wealthier farmers would return the awards so the Church could distribute it to the needy.
Efan returned to his seat, along with Daragh, as the feasting resumed.
The full moon bathed Efan Daykin's barley field in its cool rays. Dozens of people in a line moved through the field, cutting the grains from the stalks and folding the stalks of the plant down. The swath they cut curved about, already forming a third of a circle.
Even more people waited to the side of the crop, additional townspeople waiting a chance to participate when one of the current cutters tired or needed to empty his or her bag of grain into one of the three large wagons lined up to one side of the field. The faint singing of the workers gave the whole field a mystic aura as the moon beamed its rays from an otherwise dark, cloudless sky.
Among those in the crop field was Sturm. He was not singing the Church song, but he cut the grains anyway. As he stood up from bending another of the stalks to the ground, he noticed a dark shadow in a nearby copse of trees. The figure gestured, waving towards him. Sturm stopped cutting and looked at the figure. It was in the shade of the trees, where Sturm could not make out any details other than it was a person.
Sturm walked off of the field, handing his harvesting knife to a waiting child who ran enthusiastically into the field. Sturm then emptied his grain bag into a wagon and continued past it towards the trees.
As Sturm got closer to the copse of trees, he realized that the shadowy figure was taller than he was. The build was also much more powerful. At this distance, Sturm recognized the powerful build of an orc. Sturm slowed, carefully trying to peer into the trees to see if there were any others.
The orc sensed Sturm's caution. It dropped to a knee, bowing its head slightly. Sturm stopped two paces from the large orc, wishing he had his sword with him. The orc was wearing leather armor, not the usual blackened plate and chain. It had its hand-and-a-half sword slung in a harness over its back. Sturm could see that the leather thong that held it in place was still looped around the grip -- the orc could not quickly draw its weapon.
The orc reached into its jacket and withdrew a crumpled, folded sheet of papyrus. It held it out to Sturm. Sturm took the page and stepped back a pace. The orc stood, turned, and quietly ran farther into the copse of trees.
Sturm unfolded the page of papyrus and walked back towards the edge of the trees.
At the edge of the field, Rishala and Eric stood together.
"Where's Sturm?" Rishala asked.
"He went towards those trees a few minutes ago. Should we check on him?"
"Maybe we should."
Eric started towards the trees. Rishala started to follow, then stopped to grab a sickle leaning against a nearby grain wagon. Bilbus walked around the corner of the wagon at that moment.
"Where are you going?" the thief asked.
"Sturm disappeared into those trees. We're going to see if he is all right."
"With a sickle?"
Rishala looked at the tool. "With the things that seem to happen around us? Yes, with a sickle."
The story teller started following Eric. Bilbus walked with him. He noticed Breanna standing next to the wagon. "Coming with us Bree?"
"After what happened when I went to check on Sturm in Kieta? No!"
The thief continued with Rishala.
They found Eric and Sturm walking slowly back from the trees. Eric now held the sheet of papyrus. He glanced up at Rishala and Bilbus. "Sturm just received a letter from an orc."
Rishala and Bilbus both stopped, tensing.
Sturm said, "The orc is gone now."
Rishala looked around, a strong grip on his sickle. "I didn't think they traveled alone."
"This one was in leather armor. It was probably a scout."
"If it's a scout, where is the rest of its army?"
"I think it really was alone."
Kasey walked up to them. "There you are. Lady Breanna said you had walked this way. Who was alone?"
Sturm answered the Church Knight. "An orc scout. It gave me a note."
"Scout?" Kasey looked about in alarm. "We need to get back to the manor. Now."
"It already left, Kasey."
"I don't care. It may be back with friends. My sword and armor are in Lord Ithell's manor. Let's go."
The Church Knight herded everyone back towards town.
Eric continued to look at the letter. "Did you translate it?"
"The lighting isn't good enough out here. Wait 'til we're back."
They reached the field. Most of the townsfolk had already departed. Breanna waited by the grain wagons. "Is everything okay?"
Eric answered. "No. Let's go."
"Why? What's wrong, Eric?"
Bilbus grabbed Breanna and lifted her over his shoulder. "We don't have time for you two to fawn over each other. Let's go."
Breanna screamed and slapped Bilbus's back. "Put me down!"
Bilbus continued to walk. "Are you going to go now? Or are you going to stand and talk?"
"I can walk quite well on my own, thank you!"
Bilbus dropped her on her feet. She harrumphed and stomped away.
Bilbus let her storm several paces before he spoke again. "There are orcs out there. Sturm just ran into one."
The apothecary stopped. Bilbus walked up next to her. She smacked his chest, then continued walking, quietly.
Bilbus looked over his shoulder at Eric. "I'll get her home, then I'll meet you at your dad's house."
Eric nodded to the thief.
In the Ithell manor's library, Rishala, Sturm, Eric, and Bilbus sat around a table. The scent of many old books permeated the room, but none of them paid it any notice.
Eric read back Sturm's translation.
"Sun returns again
Again to fight great lord
War will cover the land
Glory to the tribes united "Betrayer will run
And join hordes of man
To stand with sun
Death to betrayer "Allies below ready to move
Enemies of light and lovers of night
Glorious city prepares
The lady leads the return "Ancient magicks help sun
Threaten great lord
But hope from within
Will it save great lord "Church stands for battle
Shield and sword
Suns are asunder
Towers burn again"
Sturm nodded. "That's what it says."
Eric set his journal on the table. "I wonder if this 'lady' is the baroness we keep hearing about."
"I don't know." Sturm noticed the black medallion hanging from Bilbus's neck. "But 'Glorious City' is mentioned on that medallion, surrounding that tentacle-faced thing."
Bilbus tucked the medallion into his tunic.
"So," Eric said. "What does this all mean? 'Sun returns again'? The Sun King? He's been dead for over two thousand years."
Rishala nodded. "What about this 'betrayer'? Who is it? Someone on their side is going to join the 'hordes of man'?" He looked at the still-drying ink in Eric's journal. "Towers burn again."
"Uther's towers?" Bilbus said. "His castle in Camelough was called the Silver Towers."
Rishala nodded. "We have too many questions, and still no answers. I think I'm going to call it a night and worry about it tomorrow." Rishala stood and stretched, then started walking towards the door.
Bilbus yawned. "So am I. Good night, Eric. Night, Sturm."
Bilbus followed Rishala up the stairs to the sleeping rooms. "Rishala. Wait. I want you to see something."
The storyteller stopped outside Bilbus's room. Bilbus stepped past him into the room. He unwrapped a plank from within a bag. "What do you think of this?"
Rishala took the rough-cut plank. "Interesting... 'From the left hand/Power of the Great Lord/Glory to the hope within/Victory with the hope'." He lowered the plank and looked at Bilbus. "Where did you get this?"
"I found it."
"I guessed that. Where did you get it?"
Bilbus looked towards the floor. "On board the Swift, on the way to Portsdale."
"Is that what all that noise was before we made port?"
"Yes. Someone there must have been working for ... them. It was carved into the bed frame in my room." Bilbus paused. "I think it was a job offer."
Rishala set the board carefully on Bilbus's bed. "And what do you make of the offer?"
Bilbus shrugged. "I still don't even know what it is I am supposed to do. But that note Sturm got tonight? 'Hope from within' - what if that's supposed to be me? Did any of your dreams tell you anything?"
Rishala shook his head. "No. Bilbus, don't do anything stupid. Talk to me first. Maybe we can figure something out."
Bilbus nodded. "What if doing nothing is what I am supposed to do?"
"We won't know until we know." The story teller walked back to the door. "Good night, Bilbus."
Bilbus stood until Rishala closed the door behind him. He then quietly crossed the room and locked the door. He turned down his lantern, then opened the window opposite the room from the door. He set his climbing rope, carefully tying it to the heavy oak bed frame and climbed out the window.
Bilbus returned to the household before sunup. He met Eric and the rest of his companions in the informal dining room next to the kitchen. Servants carried in bowls of warm porridge as the party spoke.
"So," Bilbus began. "Any orc sign since last night?"
Eric shook his head. "It was quiet last night. Father sent some town watch out to search the trees near the Daykin field, just to be sure."
"Mmm hmm." Bilbus had seen the watch leaving the household as he returned. They were typical of the watches of smaller towns. Even if that orc were alone, he would have had no trouble dispatching all four of them. The noisy maille armor they wore would have given the orc plenty of time to set up an ambush.
Sturm looked at the thief for a moment. "We really should go back out there and see if we can find the trail. We need to find out where its comrades are. If we can catch them off guard, we can eliminate them before they endanger any towns."
Bilbus set down his spoon. "I hate to break the news to you, Sturm. We are not Sun Knights. If there is more than a couple of those things out there, you and Kasey wouldn't last too long. Adria's not here with her bow. Eric's the only one with a Dalesian longbow around here. I've seen the town watch in here. I could probably take on a couple of them -- without using any tricks -- and win."
Sturm grunted. "We could have a unit of Sun Knights here in under three days from Londoun."
"Then what? Maybe the orc was alone. It wanted to give you a note."
Eric nodded. "Is it the 'betrayer' from the letter?"
Sturm shook his head. "I don't think so. Not by itself, at least. Why did it run away if it was this 'betrayer'?"
"Maybe it wanted to get away so you wouldn't kill it before you translated the message," Bilbus offered helpfully.
Rishala sat his empty bowl on the table. "I'm sure we'll find out who the betrayer is when the time is right. Doesn't the service start soon?"
Eric glanced out a window. "Yes! We need to hurry to the Pitkeathy Brewery."
The party fetched their horses and quickly trotted into town. The Pitkeathy Brewery was on the south end of town. A few people had already arrived to haul the grain wagons into town. Breanna was there as well, trying to remain inconspicuous until she spotted Eric and her friends.
"Good morning, Eric," she said, smiling.
He returned her smile. "Good morning. Sleep well?"
She waved a hand in dismissal. "Well enough in my empty house."
"You could have stayed at Father's manor."
"I know. I needed to visit my housekeepers and my dog."
"If you are sure..."
She slapped Eric's shoulder lightly. "I am. The service is starting. Let's go in."
Father Abloc and Mother Sativola were in the brewery already. The service began with the two thanking Bres for watching over the barley grains during the night. Some brewery employees carried baskets of grain to the priest and priestess. The priest prayed over the grains while the priestess blessed the brewers.
The service continued for nearly an hour as the two Church representatives blessed and sanctified the grounds of the brewery, the grains themselves, the brewers' equipment, and the brewers themselves. At last, the brewers started drying the grains over some low fires.
Mother Sativola greeted the townsfolk waiting in the front room of the brewery. "The grains are being dried. Let us go to the church and thank Bres for the good harvest."
Everyone followed her to the church. Breanna and Eric took seats next to one another, with Kasey, Rishala, and Sturm sitting on the seats behind them.
Breanna looked around. "Where's Bilbus?"
Eric looked over his shoulder at the church as it filled. "He was just here, wasn't he?"
Kasey nodded. "He said he had to do something. He said he would catch up later."
The service began. Attendants passed around various pewter, wooden, and crystal mugs of beer as the priestess intoned one last prayer of thanks to Bres. A small choir -- a dozen people -- sang to one side.
She finished the prayer, "We thank thee, Bres, for granting us a bountiful harvest. In our thanks, we drink this beer." She tipped her own crystal mug. The crowd followed suit.
Rishala lowered his mug. "Not bad. This was last year's grain?"
Breanna turned in her seat and nodded. "It was ... Master Shone, across the river, I think. He mostly raises milk cattle."
"Hmm. We do it a little differently in Caledonia."
"Oh? You don't have a sacramental beer?"
Rishala shook his head. "We age the mash ten years in the barrels. It is a much more pure whiskey when it's done."
Kasey laughed. "Holy whiskey?"
"The gods' own nectar, Sir Knight," Rishala answered.
The choir started another song. Breanna's jaw dropped as she looked at them. "Is that Bilbus?" she asked too loudly.
Eric looked at one of the singers on the end of the front row. The singer lifted his head, exposing a face that had been hidden by the flowing burnt-orange robes. Bilbus grinned and winked. "It is."
Rishala chuckled. "That's where he's been disappearing to."
Kasey looked at Rishala. "Of course. That's how you get out of doing the really boring work. Volunteer for the choir."
The service ended. As the townsfolk left the church, Bilbus rejoined his friends. He slapped Eric's shoulder. "That was fun Eric. Armagh has some pretty good beers, too."
Eric nodded. "Shall we have dinner?" He looked at Breanna. "You will join us this time, won't you? You have been too busy hiding from your father."
Breanna nodded. "I'll go change, then I'll come over. But I have to go back to my house afterwards."
The following morning was chilly. Breanna walked down the stairs from her bedroom, a heavy warm robe wrapped around her. When she reached the bottom of the stairs, she realized someone was climbing the stairs from the cellar.
"Peigin? Is that you?" she asked, waiting for her housekeeper to answer.
Bilbus reached the top of the stairs. He was wearing one of his white shirts and small clothes underneath, barefoot, scratching absently at the side of his leg.
"Who?" he asked. His hair was disheveled, and he was bleary-eyed.
Breanna practically screamed. "What in the Hells are you doing in my house?!? Why are you walking around half-naked? What are you doing?!?"
Bilbus put his hands up defensively. "Whoa, Bree. Half-naked? Look at you, wearing just a robe!"
She pulled the robe tighter, covering the little bit of her throat that was exposed. "This is my house!"
"I know. I was staying in your lab. I found a cot and moved it down there."
"What were you doing down there?"
"Studying the equipment. I had found some books about alchemy when I was in the orphanage in Eiresud. I wanted to see if I remembered anything. Don't worry, I didn't damage anything. I didn't even dirty anything."
Breanna relaxed a little.
A lopsided smile crossed Bilbus's face. "Besides, you said I could stay here."
Breanna growled quietly. "You said you were staying with Eric."
"I couldn't leave you defenseless here, in case orcs came by." He paused, his grin turning mischievous. "Or, worse, your father."
Breanna glared at the thief, then turned and walked quickly back up the stairs. "Get dressed, Bilbus, before you cause a scandal."
The thief watched her walk up the stairs, then turned and walked back down to the cellar, chuckling quietly.
Kasey was standing in front of the Ithell manor house. He had his shirt off, not bothered by the chilly morning. He had just finished a lengthy sequence of sword drills with his hand-and-a-half sword, shifting from defensive stances to offensive stances and moving. In spite of the chill, he had managed to work up a sweat.
He noticed a pair of riders galloping towards the house from town. As they approached, Kasey returned his sword to its scabbard and watched. The riders -- both boys in their early teens -- stopped their horses several paces from the large Church Knight and dismounted quickly. One held the reins of the horses while the other ran forward and stood stiffly.
"Lord Sir Kasey Bittrand?"
Kasey grinned. He recognized the two pages from the Church Knight compound at Castle Treasa. "Bryth! Gilla! You missed the festival."
Bryth continued to stand stiffly. "I know, Sir. Head commander Sir Mikall sent us to bring you back to the castle. It is urgent, Sir."
"Did he say why?"
Bryth looked nervous. "No, Sir! He told us to ride hard to Armagh to fetch you back to Castle Treasa, Sir."
"At ease, boys. Have a stable hand take the horses and rub them down. You two come in for breakfast. I have to gather my belongings and let my hosts know. Half of an hour will not make a difference."
"Yes, Sir."
Eric walked out the front door. Noticing the boys leading their horses around the side of the house, he looked at Kasey. "What gives?"
Kasey picked up his shirt and turned around. "Oh, I have to go back to Londoun. It's urgent. I don't know what the problem is."
Eric looked surprised. "Oh? We will go with you. I will go let Breanna know if you can let everyone here know we're going. This morning?"
Kasey nodded. "After breakfast."
Eric walked back to the stables to get his horse.
When Eric pounded on Breanna's door, Bilbus answered. He still was wearing what he had slept in, the shirt over small clothes. Breanna raced down the stairs, wearing a simple red dress, a moment later.
Bilbus stood back to allow Eric in.
Breanna looked at the thief. "Why aren't you dressed yet, Bilbus?"
Eric looked at Breanna, then at Bilbus. "Yes, why are you undressed? And at Breanna's house?"
Bilbus stepped back. "I've been staying in her basement in case orcs came back."
"That explains why you are here. Why are you not dressed?"
"Her father came by earlier. She was still asleep, and I didn't want her to be bothered by him."
Breanna yelled, "What?!? You answered the door like that? My father came by?"
Bilbus shook his head. "Never mind. It's not a problem, Bree. He didn't see me." He looked at Eric. "What's going on? You haven't bothered to stop by earlier this week."
"Kasey has been called back to Londoun. I thought we would go with him. How soon can you be ready to ride?"
Bilbus answered, "As soon as I am dressed." He turned and trotted down the stairs.
"And you, Bree?"
She looked distressed. "I have to leave a note for my father. An hour?"
"Okay. I'll let everyone know. Meet at my house."
"I will." Breanna turned to rush up the stairs once more.
When she reached the Ithell manor, her companions were waiting outside.
"I'm sorry to have kept everyone waiting. I had to leave my father a note to let him know I am still okay, and I needed to write another note. Can we head through town on the way out?"
Eric looked at Kasey. Kasey nodded.
"Great! Thank you so much!"
Kasey glanced up at the cool blue sky. "Let's get riding. We can cover a lot of ground before dusk."
With Kasey's prompting, Farran started prancing towards town. The two pages followed the knight, flanking behind Farran at several pace's distance. The rest of the party followed behind those three riders.
In town, Breanna asked everyone to wait at the apothecary's shop. She went in to speak to her old teacher, Master Shipley, and to leave him a sealed letter.
"Master Shipley, if anything should happen to me, or if there is ever a need to heal something that doesn't respond to normal methods, you should read this letter. Please, swear to me that you will not open it otherwise."
"Child, why should anything happen to you?"
"It is a long story, Master Shipley. I do not have time right now to tell you about it. We need to ride for Londoun. Please, promise me."
"Very well, child. I will leave it untouched in my lockbox until you return for it, or I hear that the unthinkable has happened."
Breanna hugged the old apothecary. "Thank you, Master Shipley. I will be back when I can. I have learned so much!"
She rejoined her companions and they rode north towards Londoun.
Back to the previous chapter: Betrayals
Continue to the next chapter: Obligations
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Original Draft 03 June 2001
Contact for this page: JourneyMaster@BabylonByCandlelight.com