We're looking for a few good Furbies (or a few broken ones)

Furby Military Academies Training Cadre

Lieutenant General Julia Webb
Commandante of the Academies
Air Marshal Dan Brandow
Head Instructor, Furby Flight Academy
Captain Ryan Decker
Head Instructor, Furby SEAL/UDT School
Colonel Christopher Webb
Head Instructor, Furby Ranger School
Captain Andrew Wiltzius
Head Instructor, Furby Astronautics Corps
Gene Valido
Director Emeritus of Scientific Exploitation, Area 51 1/2 Advanced Weapons Systems Test Center/Space Warfare Training Center (Los Sanganos), Florida
Kat Brandow
Chief Medical Officer
(no photo available)
Virginia Webb
Head of Veterans' Affairs
Major Joy Wiltzius
Chief Recruiting Officer
Jon Schow
Christine Seaman
Jennie Seay
Merv Seay
Instructor, Flight Academy
Jason Webb
Guest Instructor

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This page was last updated 19 March 2002

Contact for this page: WebMaster@BabylonByCandlelight.com