the Dark Mysteries Campaign
Book IV: Sacrifice the Sun

Back to the previous chapter: Confrontations

15: Reflections
First Draft

23 Huathe 2046

It was a pleasant spring morning. A few billowy clouds drifted in the brilliant blue sky overhead, and birds sang in the trees alongside the road. Bilbus and Adria rode side-by-side along the road, their horses' hooves clop-clopping on the hard-packed dirt.

Sultz the orc walked behind the two horses, one hand holding the lead rope for a draft pony that was pulling a cart loaded with supplies for the trip, the other arm cradling Sturmelina. Bilbus and Adria's daughter burbled happily at the orc as he bared his fangs at her or growled playfully. Sultz had been helpful raising the seven month old girl, playing with her and giving Adria time to provide counsel to her husband during his dealings with Dalesian politics.

Bilbus struggled for a while with his new responsibilities as lord of Portsdale, but, with some well-placed advise, the former mountebank found that he was able to play the nobles' game of houses as well as any of them. Having a seven-foot-tall orc as a personal guard did wonders during the twice-yearly meetings of the full Dales Council in Eastdale. Following Adria's advise, he had been very pleasant and congenial, and the other lords had taken notice. When reports arrived in Eastdale of orcs openly trading in Portsdale, Bilbus dismissed them by pointing out that coin was coin.

The orcs had helped with the chaos in Portsdale. When Bilbus and Adria had arrived after their travels, the town was on the verge of collapse. Thugs harassed the townsfolk, and many of the city watch had sold their services to other lords. Bilbus and Adria spent weeks getting the situation under control, and Bilbus used the Tree Eaters orcs to hunt through the forests around Portsdale for the bases of operation that the brigands used. The situation quickly calmed, and the town soon returned to normal.

One of the villages of orcs had moved close to Portsdale to provide Bilbus with a quick reaction fist if problems occurred, but Bilbus never needed to reveal their presence. The orcs also started arriving in town to conduct trade, and, by winter, there was a permanent population of orcs within Portsdale. While the townsfolk had been fearful at first, the exemplary behavior of the orcs and Bilbus's ready acceptance of their presence soon laid their fears to rest. By the time Bilbus and Adria had left town to head to Armagh, orcs were even members of the town watch, and the humans on the watch competed to get selected to patrol with the orcs.

The elven presence in Portsdale happened abruptly. The few elves who had accompanied Adria back to Portsdale had been a curiosity to the townsfolk. The elves kept to themselves for the most part, visiting with Adria on occasion while shaping a compound in the forests nearby. When three hundred more elves arrived in the fall, everyone was surprised. The elves, most of whom filled out the company of Elven Archers in Portsdale, occupied the compound -- a village, more accurately -- that the first elves had labored to ready. They, too, traded with the town, and at least a handful of Elven Archers were in Portsdale at all times.

Bilbus had plenty of time to reflect on the last ten months during the ride from Portsdale to Armagh. His introspection ended when he crested a final hill and could see the town of Armagh. The flood of emotions was surprising at first. The last time Bilbus had seen the town was when the party had returned from the burning deserts of the Wasted Lands, south of al-Rhayidh. Those adventures, ranging across Avillonia through the exotic lands of the Steppes, with its centaur inhabitants, the dwarven kingdom, Eiresud, Hellenas, and beyond, seemed like a lifetime ago. And the life he had known before that fateful night in Londoun, when he met Kasey's page Merek, seemed even farther removed.

Bilbus shook his head and rode Acquisition 2 towards the town. The Ithell manor house still looked as he remembered it, perched on the hilltop west of town. The fields between the manor house and Armagh were already a bustle of activity as preparations for the Beltane Festival and Eric and Breanna's wedding were well underway.

Bilbus briefly considered bypassing Lord Ithell's home and checking the town over, but it would be a breach of protocol. And Bilbus wanted to see his friend Eric. Correspondence just was not the same.

He rode up to the manor house. A servant ran out to take his reins.

"Lord del Cartach!" the servant cried. "It is good to see you! Travel went well?"

"It did," Bilbus said as he hopped down from Acquisition 2. "And now it's Baronet del Cartach."

The servant blushed. "My apologies!"

"Forget about it." Bilbus watched Adria climb down from her horse. The servant took her reins as well, and led the two horses towards the stables. Another servant took the cart pony's lead rope, while a third ushered Bilbus, Adria, and Sultz into the entryway of the mansion.

"The Baronet Bilbus del Cartach, Baronetess Adria del Cartach, and staff have arrived!" the servant announced.

Eric hurried out from the back of the manor house, a broad smile on his face.

He slapped Bilbus's shoulder. "Baronet Bilbus the Great..." Eric shrugged. "Who would have thought?"

Bilbus flashed a lopsided smile. "And the Baronetrix Adria."

"Baronetess," she corrected.

"Whatever," Bilbus dismissed her.

"And this must be Sturmelina," Eric said as he looked at the child in Sultz's arms. "And Sultz, it is good to see you, as well. Still wearing Azirian robes, I see."

The orc shrugged. He still did not speak Kelltic well, and Bilbus spoke orc fluently enough that Sultz did not need to speak Kelltic very often.

"Ever since your mother put him in the robes last time we were here," Bilbus filled in for Sultz. "He likes wearing them when he doesn't need to be intimidating."

"Where's Bree?" Adria asked.

"I imagine she's at her house. She's going insane. Her father and she have been arguing for months about the seating arrangements and every other detail of the wedding. I have not been able to help, since I am still getting the trade town set up in the Middle Ranges. I have spent a lot of time surveying the town site and negotiating with trade houses."

"How has that gone?" Bilbus inquired.

"It goes slowly. We have had a few larger caravans through the town, but we had a late start last year. Business picked up a little this year, but it is still early." Eric paused. "Did I read that you are starting a trade route south?"

"I'm planning one along the western end of the Dales, down through Hillsdale towards the elven Marketplace, then to Eiresud. Having elves in Portsdale made it a lot easier to negotiate with the Elven Forest. And, since most of the lesser lords in the Dales Council happen to be the ones along the western and southern parts of the Dales, it gives me a chance to cement some alliances. The Inner Circle tends to ignore the lords of the Outer Circle any time they can."

"You realize, Bilbus, that you're going to be competing with my shipping lanes through the Middle Ranges."

"I suppose we will. Maybe we can work something out."

"I'm afraid I don't have anywhere to put you," Eric confessed. "My family has already arrived from Azir, and our house is full."

"That's alright." Bilbus waved his had dismissively. "We can crash Bree's place. Adria can help keep her sane."

"She will appreciate it," Eric agreed. "I could use your help, as well, Bilbus."

"Well, let us go settle in, and I'll be back."

Baronet del Cartach took his leave, his wife and Sultz following him out.

Bilbus walked up to the door to Breanna's home. He stopped in front of the door for a moment, then walked inside, announcing, "What does a Baronet have to do to get service around here! These Kingdom Lords are rude!"

Several astonished servants ran into the entryway, rushing towards Bilbus and nearly tripping over themselves. Breanna showed up a moment later.

"Bilbus! Don't treat my staff like that!"

Bilbus grinned. "I just wanted to see if you were here. Hi, Bree."

Breanna hugged Bilbus quickly, then turned to Adria. "How's Sturmelina?"

"Styx," Bilbus muttered under his breath.

"Sturmelina is fine," Adria replied, glancing sideways towards Bilbus. "She's taken a liking to 'Uncle' Sultz." Adria glanced towards the orc, who still carried her daughter.

Breanna approached the orc cautiously. Sturmelina burbled and smiled at Breanna. Sultz held the small girl out to Breanna, an orcish smile on his face.

"How are things?" Adria asked.

Breanna settled Sturmelina on her arm and tickled the infant's chin. Her smile faded as she looked up at Adria. "I want to strangle my father."

"We've had enough daughters killing fathers here," Adria said coolly. "I'll encourage him to leave you be for a few days."

25 Huathe 2046

A couple of days later, a pair of lateen-rigged ships sailed up the river from Londoun. The distinctive al-Rhayidhian ships stopped at the short pier that jutted out from Armagh. Bilbus and Eric, who had been in town when the ships arrived, went to the pier to greet the new arrivals. Bilbus noted that both ships had extra masts lashed to the deck.

"Think they sailed all the way around?" Bilbus asked.

"There's no way they did," Eric replied. "To get into the Vasmar, they would have sailed southeast around Hellenas, then up the Tammar coast to the Mariner's Valley. Then they'd have to make it past the dragons that live there just to reach the Vasmar." He nodded towards the extra masts. "I think they took a shortcut over Avillonia."

The two watched an al-Rhayidhian man in black robes walk down the pier towards them. The thread-of-gold accents on his robes glistened in the sun as he bowed to them.

"I am Crown Prince Homat Assan bin Ammar bin Yamin bin Qayir bin Rhayidh. My father, the Caliph, sends his greetings."

Eric bowed in greeting. "Crown Prince bin Rhayidh, we are honored to host you. Please, let me show you some quarters. I apologize that our small town is quite full of guests."

"It is quite all right," the Crown Prince assured Eric. "Please, lead the way."

Eric led the prince towards the inn.

26 Huathe 2046

The following afternoon, Bilbus and Eric had been sent to town to greet other guests as they arrived. Bilbus looked north along the Via Avillonia at a lone rider. Bilbus grinned as he recognized the kilt-wearing man.

"Rishala! Decide to show up early this time?" he bellowed as he walked quickly towards the rider.

"Aye!" Rishala answered. "The taps will be flowing this afternoon!"

"What?" Eric asked as he followed Bilbus towards Rishala.

Bilbus stopped to turn around. "Rishala showed up the evening before Styx was born. He said the stars told him when to show up."

"Oh. What's that about taps, then?"

Bilbus shrugged. "We have to stay down here to greet new arrivals, right?" He pointed towards a tavern. "That tavern's pretty close to where we were going to be, anyway."

Eric glanced at the tavern. The barkeep and a serving girl were pushing a table outside.

Bilbus grinned. "I gave him a Gold Drake to give us a table, a serving girl, and open taps until the wedding day. No sense getting stuck on greeting duty and not enjoying it."

Rishala stopped his horse next to Bilbus. "I'll go greet Bree and leave my horse at her stables, then I'll be back to help with the greeting duty."

The Caledonian rode off through town. Bilbus led Eric to the table and took a seat. The serving girl came out of the tavern.

"Get me a dark ale," Bilbus request. "And something for Eric. Hells, you may as well get yourself something, too. We're going to be here for a while."

She smiled and nodded. Eric requested an ale as well. After she had gone inside to get the drinks, Sultz approached down the road, carrying Sturmelina.

The orc sat down next to Bilbus. "I was sent to keep an eye on you," he explained in orcish.

"You may as well have a drink," Bilbus suggested. "I'm not going anywhere for a while."

The serving girl returned with Eric and Bilbus's drinks. She looked strangely at the orc in the Azirian robes holding the baby until Bilbus ordered a drink for Sultz. While she was gone, more riders approached from the north.

"It looks like Kasey's here," Bilbus observed. The unmistakable knight astride the large roan warhorse led a column of four other knights, with several other riders and a wagon following. "He brought friends."

Kasey stopped in front of the tavern as Bilbus walked up to greet him.

"Hi, Bilbus! How've you been?" the blond knight greeted his friend.

"Well, Kasey. We're staying at Bree's. The knights will probably have to take rooms at the inns, but the inns are filling quickly." He looked at the other riders. "Hello, Meri," he greeted Mother Meridaun. "Lord Bittrand," he acknowledge Kasey's father. All of Kasey's family had arrived with the knights.

Alyssa, Kasey's half-sister, looked around. "Is Rishala here?"

Bilbus grinned. "He's dropping off his horse. He'll be back in a few minutes."

"Let me get everyone settled, and I'll be back for ale," Kasey said while eyeing Bilbus's mug.

The riders rode off, leaving Bilbus, Eric, and Sultz to occupy the table.

27 Huathe 2046

The following morning found Rishala, Kasey, and the four other Church Knights joining the party at the table. The serving girl was now spending time with them, as well, between trips inside to refill the pitchers of dark ale. The next significant arrival was approaching town.

A Javik longboat under oar power approached from the north. On the Via Avillonia, which followed the river to Londoun, a contingent of Londoun watchmen astride horses followed.

Kasey grabbed a pitcher of ale and strolled forward. "I'll handle this."

He approached the watchmen as the longboat slid ashore. "Hail, riders from Londoun! Are you here for the wedding?"

The head of the watchmen looked warily at Kasey. "Do you even see the raiders who just put to shore?"

"Who, them?" Kasey looked over at the longboat. Three centaurs had jumped out, and several Javik were pulling the boat farther onto shore to keep it steady. They had timed their arrival almost right at high tide.

"Yes." The guard looked puzzled as he looked at the Javik. None had weapons out, and they acted nothing at all like the fierce village raiders the guard expected.

"No, they're guests for the wedding. Don't worry about them. Do you really think they'd sail all the way past Londoun to here to raid a town?"

"Well, no... They're guests?"

"That's what I said."

"Well, then, they're you're problem." The watchman ordered his group to ride back north.

Kasey turned to the Javik. He recognized the captain of the boat. "Aaron!"

"Kasey!" the Javik replied. "I figured that when the centaurs wanted to go south, they must have been going where you were. I can't think of any other reason why a centaur would want to go to the Southlander's territory."

Kasey strode towards Aaron, holding the pitcher out to his Javik friend. Aaron took the pitcher and drank deeply from it. He then passed it to another Javik.

"How go things up north?" Kasey asked as he led the new guests towards the tavern.

"Well. Remember Chief Graybard's daughter?"

Kasey smiled fondly. "Oh, yeah."

"She picked me for her man."


Aaron shook his head, still smiling. "The sail does not fall far from the mast, Kasey. She is as much of a hellfire as her father when she is angry. There's another reason why I brought the centaurs here."

Kasey slapped his friend's shoulder as they approached the tavern.

The centaurs stopped at the greeting table. "Where is Breanna?"

"She is at her home," Eric replied. "I can show you. Welcome to Armagh."

Eric stood up and walked towards the west end of town. The elder two centaurs followed right away. The younger stopped to ask another question of those who were still at the table.

"Where's the gruff one? Sturm?"

Rishala had a sad expression. This centaur, Mouzhina, had taken a liking to Sturm. "He is indisposed..." Bilbus finished the reply in unison with Rishala, "for the rest of his life."

"Pity," Mouzhina replied. "That two-legs had potential."

Someone had been pounding on the door to Breanna's home incessantly. Adria had ordered the servants not to answer the door, but whoever it was was persisting. Adria opened the door to see Breanna's father, as she had expected.

He held up a paper. "These seats are unacceptable. Breanna is putting these centaurs on the front row, and moving some close family friends to the back."

"I'm sorry, Adair." Adria smiled pleasantly. "Breanna is busy making preparations. Those centaurs adopted her, so she is technically their daughter. It would be rude to deny them seats in the ceremony, as your arrangement did."

"Adria, I will see my daughter now," he stormed.

"It is amazing how rudely you treat foreign nobles," Adria politely responded. "Especially a baronet from the Dales. I will need to tell my friends that minor Kingdom lords truly are ill-mannered." Adair's eyes widened. "Oh, didn't you hear? My husband is a baronet, and a member of the Outer Circle of the Dales Council. When Breanna is ready to talk to you, she will."

Adria shut and locked the door. She went back upstairs to Breanna's room to help adjust Breanna's dress.

"Who was that?" Breanna asked.

"No one you need to worry about," Adria replied.

29 Huathe 2046

A column of horses with several wagons and carriages arrived from Londoun a couple of days later. Eric greeted the column.

A man in the lead carriage greeted Eric. "The Baron Balch, representative for the King of the Five Crowns, arrives. Take us to our quarters." The man sniffed derisively as he looked about the rustic town.

"We could put him in the stables," Bilbus growled quietly.

The man who addressed Eric waited for attendants to open the door of the carriage and place a step. They helped him out of the carriage, and several other dandies got out of theirs, as well.

"Well, this is certainly not the Court," the first one said. "I see why there is no baron in Armagh, though. Such a rustic place."

"Baron Balch," Bilbus said as he stepped past Eric. "Lord Ithell's home is filled with his family, who visit from Karasimi. The inns are full, as well, with guests who already arrived. I can take you to a quiet spot on the edge of town where you will not be disturbed by the riffraff of Armagh."

The dandy looked at Bilbus. "Very well. I truly doubt the intrigues of this town will be of any interest. Lead on."

Bilbus led the baron and his entourage towards a low field on the edge of the river, listening in on their conversation as he did so.

One of the attendant dandies, seeking favor, asked, "Oh, is that a new tunic, Baron Balch?"

His voice laden with self-importance, Balch replied, "Of course it is, although why I would waste such a finery as this on such a backwards town is beyond me. It's Rhaydhian styled."

There was a murmur amongst the attendants. Bilbus glanced over his shoulder at the Baron's shirt. It was a fine silk, a deep reddish-purple, but not a cut that he had seen in al-Rhayidh.

Hiding his smirk, Bilbus interjected, "During the weeks I spent in al-Rhayidh, I didn't see any of them in that style of shirt."

Balch sighed. As if lecturing a child, he informed Bilbus that "Rhayidhian styled clothes are tailored in the al-Rhayidhian manner, using Heka to alter the fit." The way the baron emphasized "Heka" was as if he were flaunting the use of a forbidden word. "It is a perfect fit."

One of the other dandies jumped into the conversation. "Did you hear that the Church found that the taint on Heka is gone?"

"Except for the evil schools," another one cut in.

"That would be the Black School," Bilbus corrected. "The other four schools are safe."

"Uh-huh," the dandy dismissed Bilbus. "And the al-Rhayidhians are opening a School of Magick in Eiresud next year..."

"With Church supervision!" another interrupted. "Even so, I don't know that I would trust anyone learning Heka. What do you think, Baron?"

"I certainly would not want to be around people using Heka."

Bilbus had reached the shoreside clearing. "Baron Balch, I believe that this field should be large enough for your entourage. The riff-raff of Armagh do not come over to this field often, so your Court away from Court should not be disturbed."

Balch dismissed Bilbus with a wave of his hand.

Once the baron had his servants organizing the wagons and setting up a veritable mini-town, Bilbus returned.

"You can't leave them there, Bilbus," Eric admonished his friend. "That plain might flood at high tide."

"Pity," Bilbus said dismissively. He was looking at two riders who had not followed the others to the flood plain. Both were obviously nobles, based on their dress. The woman wore a vibrant green riding dress, and the man wore a kilt.

"And who are you?" Bilbus asked, smiling.

The man spoke first. "I am Baron Haral Hendrie," he replied with a Caledonian accent. "Ambassador to the Kingdom of the Five Crowns from Caledonia." He hopped down to greet Bilbus, then noticed Rishala. "And not the only Caledonian in town."

The woman dismounted. "I am Baroness Kathleen Odhrain, ambassador from Eiresud." Her Brythokelltic accent was stronger than Bilbus's.

"Welcome to town," Bilbus said. "We can find you some nice rooms."

"I thought you said the town was full," she said. There was a twinkle in her eye.

"For someone like him," Bilbus jerked a thumb towards the Baron's encampment, "yes."

The Caledonian ambassador eyed the greeting table, with its numerous pitchers. "I like the way you greet guests. Perhaps we can have a more interesting conversation than what we had with Baron Dandypants."

"Aye," Rishala agreed, offering a flask of his malt whiskey.

The baron accepted the flask. "Ah. Caledonian whiskey. There is nothing finer."

"Other than Eiresudian whiskey," Baroness Odhrain countered.

"Do we need to have this argument again?" Baron Hendrie asked.

Eric interjected. "Let me introduce you to something you both will find interesting. Karasimian rice wine. Come with me." He led them towards his father's manor.

30 Huathe 2046

The day before the wedding, a group of fifty orcs arrived from the southwest. They pulled two large, wheeled crates towards the dancing field. One of the crates had several barrels stacked on top of it.

Bilbus greeted the orcs. "Welcome to Armagh! We have beer!"

"We bring apple wines!" one of the orcs greeted in return.

"Come with me!"

Bilbus led the orcs, several of whom now carried the barrels, to the tavern, where the rest of the men waited.

"We need to get the bachelor and bachelorette parties organized," Bilbus commanded Eric. "We have two big taverns in town. One is for you. I choose this one." He pointed at the tavern where he had camped all week. "The other one is for Bree. Everyone but you and Bree can go between the two taverns. I'll go steal the musicians from Baron Balch."

"My father has musicians," Eric replied.

"But we need two sets." Bilbus rose to go on his mission.

Adria and Breanna occupied the table of honor at their inn. Townsfolk arrived to congratulate Breanna and wish her well, and a band played upbeat jigs and reels in the background.

Adria watched the musicians for a while. One of the fiddle players was trying hard not to be noticed. He would glance towards Adria's table, then turn himself away from the table, while still playing. Adria finally recognized the musician.

She slapped Breanna's shoulder. "Bree. See that fiddler? The one who's trying so hard not to get our attention?"

Breanna stared at the fiddler. He had turned so he was facing partially away from her table. "Yeah?"

"Recognize him?"


"It's Drippy. Remember when they tried to arrest Sturm in Eiresud?"

"Oh, yeah. Really? It's him?"

"Same slicked back dark hair. It's him. Let's mess with him. We can pretend he's someone else."

Breanna smiled wickedly. "Maybe he's a deck hand that dropped some favorite china we imported."

Adria and Breanna approached the band. "The band needs to take a break," Breanna insisted. "Get them some drinks."

She looked closely at Drippy. "I know you from somewhere, don't I?"

Drippy glanced at her. "No, m'Lady. I do not believe so."

"Londoun, wasn't it? One of the social events there?"

"M'Lady, I am but a musician."

"No," Adria interjected. "He was a deckhand in Eiresud. The one who dropped those Hellenic dishes and broke them all."

"Yeah," Breanna agreed. "He broke those dishes."

Drippy turned to the women, panic in his eyes. "Look, you obviously recognize me. I was traveling with those morons in Eiresud because they were heading to Londoun. I thought they were just a traveling drama troupe." He exhaled sharply. "Really, who could believe they were serious? I thought they were just practicing their act."

"Oh. Well, then," Breanna said. "Keep playing."

1 Duir 2046

Late the following morning, Bilbus and Adria sat with Rishala at a table in Breanna's house. They were all sipping an unpleasant tea that Breanna had concocted to help them feel better before the wedding ceremony.

Rishala set his tea cup on the table so he could rub his temples with both hands. "And that's why the Church of Kells holds wedding ceremonies in the afternoon."

Adria snorted. "Oh! Did I mention that I saw Drippy last night?"

"Who?" Bilbus moaned.

"Remember when we got back from Hellenas, and the Company of Unusual Headgear tried to arrest Sturm? Kasey shoved their new guy into the water. Drippy!"

"What? Were those morons at your party last night?"

"No. Drippy is a musician. He was just traveling with the Company because he thought they were actors on their way to Londoun." Adria stopped for a moment. She could see Breanna sneaking through the hallway adjacent to the informal dining room where she and her friends sat. "I'd better see what Bree's doing," she said just before the front door creaked open.

Still adjusting her outer dress, Adria followed Breanna to the dance fields. The seats for the wedding had been arranged the previous day, and Breanna was going along them, counting and making sure they were arranged correctly.

"Your father didn't touch the chairs," Adria said. Breanna jumped and turned towards the younger woman.

"I was just making sure," Breanna answered, trying to sound nonchalant.

"You should be getting ready," Adria reminded her.

Kasey approached the two. He had been at the church, meeting with the other knights prior to the wedding. He was wearing padding -- the suit of padding that he wore under plate armor -- and shoes. "Ladies! Both of you should be getting ready."

"I want to make sure my father doesn't mess up the seats," Breanna protested.

Kasey crossed his arms. "I will guard the chairs, m'Lady." He looked at Adria. "Baronetess del Cartach, you need to help Lady Ceiturin get ready for this afternoon's ceremony. The knights will guard the chairs."

"Come on, Bree. No more excuses." Adria ushered Breanna back towards her house.

By midday, all of the seats for the wedding ceremony were filled. Most of the townsfolk stood behind and to the sides of the seats, waiting for the ceremony to begin. Rishala stood on the center of a dais at the front of the seats, wearing borrowed formal vestments. Eric stood to one side on the dais, with Bilbus standing on the ground next to him. Adria stood on the ground on the opposite side of the dais, next to where Breanna was supposed to stand.

On the far side of the field, past the throngs of onlookers, Breanna waited, shifting from foot to foot and adjusting her dress. Kasey and the other four Church Knights stood near her. All five knights wore the polished plate armor of formal Church Knight functions.

"The dress is fine, Lady Breanna," Kasey assured the nervous woman for the sixth time.

"Oh, Hells," Breanna said. She was looking past Kasey towards the pathway that led through the crowd towards the dais.

Kasey turned around to see Breanna's father approaching, fists clenched.

"It is time to start the ceremony," Lord Ceiturin said.

Kasey interrupted the man. "Thank you for telling us, m'Lord."

"I'm here to escort my daughter."

Kasey's commander stepped forward. "Lord Ceiturin, Mother Breanna Ceiturin will be escorted by the Knights of Kells. This is Church policy, and it has been for over a thousand years."

"But she's my daughter!"

Sir Fletcher nodded. "Yes, m'Lord. And you should be proud of her, for what she has done. But she is also a Daughter of the Church, now."

"Please, father," Breanna implored.

Adair looked at his daughter for a moment. He nodded, then returned to his chair in the front row of seats.

Kasey took his place with the three other knights who stood behind Breanna, waiting for Sir Fletcher to take his position next to Breanna to escort her.

Sir Fletcher stood to one side and ordered, "Captain Bittrand, process the Mother."

Kasey stared at Fletcher, wide eyed. Sir Fletcher nodded, then waved Kasey to stand next to Breanna. He then took Kasey's place in the honor guard.

Kasey glanced at Breanna, then winked. "Knights, forward!" he ordered in a commanding voice. At the far end of the field, near the dais, the musicians started to play a processional.

Kasey walked next to Breanna at a slow pace as the townsfolk parted, making the path towards the dais wider. The four other knights walked behind the two, the measured pace of their march rattling their suits of armor in unison. It took minutes for the procession to pass all of the townspeople of Armagh to reach the chairs that had been arranged for honored guests.

Breanna glanced sidewards towards her family's seats. Up at the front, the centaurs lay next to her father, watching with curiosity. Relatives occupied a couple of rows of seats, then her friends and guests her father insisted on inviting. She looked forward again at the dais, where Rishala, Adria, Bilbus, and Eric waited, watching her. Bilbus had a broad smile on his face. Eric was stoic, but Breanna could read him well enough to tell he was holding back a smile of his own.

They finally reached the dais, and Kasey helped Breanna step up, although it was only a few inches above the ground. Kasey and the other knights then stepped off to one side. The musicians stopped playing, and the field became quiet.

Sturmelina, cradled happily in Sultz's massive arms in a seat on the front row, started chattering when she saw her father standing next to Eric.

Sultz whispered, loudly, "No tar king!"

Breanna giggled and stole a glance at Eric. The Azirian was now smiling.

Rishala started the ceremony, reciting the importance of marriage and the vows it required. The ceremony continued, with Rishala reciting the litany, for half an hour before another disruption.

Five riders approached at a gallop from Armagh. They circled around behind the crowd of townsfolk, then raced up to the dais where Rishala, Breanna, and Eric stood. All five wore identical blue hats.

Sassy, on the lead horse, stopped near the dais.

"You got our invitations, I presume?" Eric greeted the Company of Unusual Headgear.

"Invitations?" Sassy looked confused. "No... We are here to deliver a congratulatory message."

"We're in the middle of a ceremony," Rishala warned.

"It's a brief message," Sassy assured the story teller-priest.

Kasey fingered the long grip of Caladbolg, glaring at the five men.

"No, Kasey," Eric said quietly. "They're invited guests, despite their manners." To the company: "Deliver your message."

Sassy unrolled a scroll. He cleared his throat and spoke loudly, ensuring that everyone gathered would hear his words.

"To the Lord General Eric Ithell and the Lady Breanna Ithell of Armagh:

"Congratulations on the union of your two houses. Powerful houses are always of great value in these times as with all times. With the alliance between your houses and those in Portsdale, you have created a unique and dangerous force for your enemies to contend with.

"The trade route you have established through the Middle Ranges will save merchants much time in their travels, bypassing the city of Arabel Cinlu and its hazards in its entirety. It remains to be seen how well this new route will fare, but Our reports would look promising to you.

"We are disappointed that We were not given an invitation to attend your ceremony, for you have invited others who have been of great importance during your recent travels. Considering that you have attended one of Our balls, We would have expected some consideration on your part. Never mind the damage you caused to Our estate, between the fire damage and the ruined chandelier..."

Bilbus, standing near the dais by Eric, muttered, "That could be anybody."

Sassy continued. "We shall not hold grudges against you for that.

"However, your interference with Our plans this last year has been troubling. Stealing Our property, killing Our servants, diverting Our trade routes, these are slights that shall not be forgotten. There are so many things that can go awry in founding a new city, especially one so far from friendly towns. One can imagine the impact of a few raids on merchant convoys, or a mysterious attack in the dark of night upon the hapless subjects of the town. Such things could be devastating to the future success of this usurper trade town. Watch your children well when they sleep, dear Lord and Lady Ithell.

"But let us not dwell on such unpleasantness at this, your wedding celebration. Enjoy this day well, for you will not have many more like it.

"Cordially yours, Baroness Eclavdra, House Eilservs, Erelhei Cinlu."

The assembled wedding crowd sat in shocked silence.

"I told you we should have read it first," Neurth snarled at Sassy.

"Ummm." Sassy mumbled. "Lord Ithell, you have my sincerest apologies."

Kasey took a step towards the rider.

"Nonsense," Eric said. "I will not kill the messenger."

"Pity," Adria interjected.

"Take seats. I reserved five for you."

Confused, the company took seats as instructed. Rishala finished the ceremony, skipping the invocation of magicks to bind Breanna and Eric, since the two had invoked those magicks themselves over a year ago.

With the ceremony completed, Eric and Breanna kissed.

Eric's father, Janus, announced, "The dances are open! And the chili contests will be underway soon!"

As the crowd spread towards the musicians and the cook tents, Eric turned to Sir Fletcher, Kasey's commander. "Sir Fletcher, you wanted to address the crowd before the reception?"

"Yes, Lord Ithell. Thank you." Sir Fletcher stepped onto the dais as Eric stepped down. Kasey's friends, his family, the other Church Knights, and a few curious onlookers remained at the dais.

Sir Fletcher addressed the gathering. "Lord Sir Kasey Bittrand has served the Knights of Kells faithfully for years. His record is exemplary. He is truly a rare knight. Considering what he has done for not only the Kelltic peoples, but all of the peoples of this world, we must thank the gods that he was here when he was most needed." Sir Fletcher gestured towards Kasey, urging him to step onto the dais. The blond knight slowly complied.

"After twenty years of service as a knight, there are two options for Kasey. Either he must take leave of the field of battle to become a senior officer, or he must take leave of the Order. Kasey actually reached his twenty year mark while he was in al-Rhayidh, battling the Dark One.

"Kasey and I talked about his decision when he returned last year. He decided he did not want to command. He prefers swinging the sword and charging the enemy over telling others to do it. He asked that he be allowed to help train those who will replace our fallen comrades, so he has been one of the weapons masters at Castle Treasa. However, he is ready to officially retire from the active duty roster of the Order of the Knights of Kells."

Sir Fletcher turned towards Kasey. "Sir Bittrand, by order of Commander Bradaigh, High Commander of the Order of the Knights of Kells, you have been hereby promoted to the rank of Captain. Your official record will show that you have held command on this day." Sir Fletcher paused. "I also regretfully accept your retirement from the Order, effective today. Thank you, Kasey, for what you have done. And gods bless your future."

Kasey bowed his head. "Thank you, Sir Fletcher." He turned towards the cook tents. "Can we get some ale to celebrate?"

"Let's!" Sir Fletcher agreed. The knights ambled towards the tents.

"I don't get it," Bilbus said as he watched the warriors depart. "Promoted to Captain, and he held command today?"

"The promotion to a command rank was an honorary one," Eric explained. "Kasey is not commander material. He can lead, but not a large group. But, considering what he did last year, it was the least they can do. He led the procession give Bree away, so he has a command on his record. That way, the promotion wasn't empty." Eric glanced at Bilbus's puzzled expression. "I know. He led an honor guard. It still technically counts. Come on. I owe Bree a dance or two."

Eric strode towards the dance field, Bilbus following a couple of paces behind as he tried to make sense of Eric's explanation.

After twenty minutes of dancing, Eric and his friends were ushered back to the wedding field. It was time for gifts for the bride and groom. Eric and Breanna were seated upon the dais, as the guests who bore gifts and onlookers took seats.

Baron Balch, the dandy from Londoun, strode forward. "As subjects of the Kingdom of the Five Crowns, naturally Lord and Lady Ithell will want the boon from their King first."

Eric forced a gracious smile. "Of course, Baron."

Balch smiled with self-importance. "The King, in his endless beneficence, has granted you an apartment on Yurian Road, in the Nobles' Quarter of Londoun." He paused dramatically, awaiting an emotional outburst. When none was forthcoming, he scowled and walked away.

"It's not a bad neighborhood," Bilbus admitted. "I've cased a few of the apartments there. That's where the second-tier nobles live." He glanced towards the Ithell house. "The apartment is definitely much smaller than your dad's place."

Baroness Odhrain approached next. "We Eiresudians have nothing as grand as an apartment for you, Lord Ithell." She unfurled a rolled parchment. "I bear but this, a royal proclamation from King Kelaghan himself that all tariffs on goods carried by the Ithell family merchants shall be waived in Eiresud from this day forward."

Bilbus protested quietly -- Eiresudian tariffs were notorious. Paying no tariff meant a much higher profit on shipped goods.

Other guests stepped forward to give gifts.

One of the orcs approached. He glanced towards Bilbus, then spoke in the guttural tongue of the orcs. Bilbus translated.

"The Tree Eaters have a gift for General Ithell, leader of the Battle of as-Tikat." Several orcs pried open the large crate they had brought to Armagh. There were two large mounds covered in canvas covers. The orcs pulled the cover off of the larger mound, revealing a life-sized statue of Eric in his exotic Azirian plate armor, astride his warhorse. The bronze statue depicted Eric as he led the armies across the sands of al-Rhayidh.

"Wow," Eric muttered. The workmanship was impressive, far finer than the orcs' reputations for crude artistic ability would have allowed.

An orc approached Breanna with a wrapped bundle about a pace long. Bilbus against translated as she unwrapped the package to reveal a delicate-looking rapier. "This is Life Giver, named for you, a life giver. The life givers are honored members of orc Tribes, for they travel across the battlefield, saving the wounded, despite the dangers of battle. Life Givers must be able to defend themselves, so our weaponsmiths created this sword for you, and our Heka forgers ensured that it would hold the appropriate dweomers to protect you."

Breanna regarded the blade closely. While it looked delicate, she could feel that it was anything but.

"We hope this is not a breach of etiquette, but we have a gift for Baronet del Cartach, as well."

"No, go ahead," Eric implored.

The orcs uncovered the other of the large mounds, revealing a statue of Bilbus reaching down to Sultz, who lay wounded. It was a reproduction of another event, this time after the Battle of as-Tikat.

"To thank Baronet Bilbus Hogain del Cartach, the orcs present this statue, commemorating his lifting the orcs to a status equal to men..." Bilbus choked with emotion for a moment before he resumed translating. "Orcs have always been servants at best, slaves at worst. Baronet del Cartach has treated orcs as equals. As friends."

The orc returned to his seat as the Crown Prince from al-Rhayidh approached. "I am glad we may give gifts to others, as well, for my father has gifts for all of you who saved us."

He gestured towards the two al-Rhayidhian ships docked in the river. "Lord Eric Ithell, a fellow trader. My father gifts to you the Kelltic Zephyr. I believe you remember its sister ship, the Caliph's Zephyr?" Eric nodded. Indeed, the magickal flying ship had nearly killed him. "We have found the problems with the Caliph's Zephyr and fixed them. I personally rode about the Kelltic Zephyr, and she and her other sister ship here, Vulcan's Zephyr, are much sounder ships. There is a full crew aboard who will stay behind to train any crew you wish to learn the finer points of flying ships."

He kneeled facing Breanna. "For the Lady Breanna Ithell, I bear from my father a complete collection of the significant works from the herbalism section of his library. These are copies made by his personal scribes, translated to Northern-Kelltic."

The Crown Prince rose again, then turned to Bilbus. "The Caliph appreciates your sense of finery. The robes you wore while in the caliphate were of a very old styling, but quite impressive nonetheless. For one who appreciates the ancient arts of my lands, I present you with this scepter from my father's private collection." He offered Bilbus a bejeweled golden scepter. Bilbus hefted the scepter and smiled.

"For you, Baronetess del Cartach, a lover of fine tapestries, my father wishes for you to have woven tapestries recording your journeys. They were made by the finest artisans of al-Rhayidh. They will not burn, and they will mend themselves." He gestured to a pair of servants who carried a rolled tapestry. They brought it to Adria and unrolled the end of it. Adria looked at the fine stitchwork, then gasped when she realized that the small figures in the battle scene she was studying moved. The Crown Prince smiled. "It is also endweomered to make it a little more interesting. There are seven more tapestries to accompany this one."

Prince Homat then turned to Kasey. "A man who knows fine steeds, Sir Kasey Bittrand. My father has sent three mares and a stallion from his personal stables for you."

He then faced Rishala. "And, lastly, for the renowned story-teller, I bring a collection of Kelltic lore from the Library. It is a lengthy collection, of course, so it has been loaded onto that wagon." He pointed towards a large, enclosed wagon, similar to what a gypsy would live in.

He bowed towards Eric and Breanna once more, then returned to his seat. Bilbus then approached Eric, bearing a flat wooden box. He gave the box to Eric. Eric sniffed the box experimentally.

"Seaweed?" Eric asked quizzically.

"Yes," Bilbus answered. "Just open it."

Eric pried the box open and dug through the dried seaweed. Inside was a familiar sword. "The Answerer?"

"Well, I don't need it," Bilbus said. "Anmanivas traded me for it."

"Thank you."

Breanna stepped down from the dais. She grabbed a book from a table and gave it to Adria. "This is the book I used while I studied under Master Shipley. It is an introduction to the healer's trade, but it has a lot in it."

Adria took the book and flipped through a few pages.

"Kasey," Meridaun said during the lull. "How would you like to travel with me to the dwarven refugee camp? The Church is offering them sanctuary in the human lands, and we need to start moving them before the winter sets in."

"But..." Kasey protested. "The training. And..."

"You're retired," she reminded him. "Besides, the dwarves specifically asked for the 'Storm Giant' to be part of the Church's entourage."

"Storm Giant?" Adria asked.

"The Church has had me leading negotiations with the dwarves in Londoun. Kasey came calling a few times, and the dwarves started calling him 'Storm Giant'. Between his height, and Caladbolg..."

"Ahh. You should go, Storm Giant," Adria recommended.

Kasey nervously glanced around. "I need more ale," he managed as he glanced wistfully at his empty tankard.

The Beltane celebration continued into the dark of the night. As the party gathered to one side of the dance fields, Rishala asked, "Come with me back to the Ithell's garden."

"Why?" Bilbus responded.

"Some of our guests did not arrive."

Rishala led his friends up to the quiet garden on the hill overlooking the dance fields. He summoned some flows of Heka and shaped them into an intricate mesh. The mesh began to glow, a bluish rectangle that shimmered for seconds before finally solidifying. Within the rectangle, a forest appeared. The trees were almost familiar, but they still held an alien feel. A few beings in festive garments stood near the magickal doorway, peering through at the garden and its occupants. Rishala spoke briefly with them in a lilting tongue, then the beings stepped through the gateway and into the Ithell garden. The people looked like elves, but shorter and stouter. The rectangle formed a gateway to another location, a place on the world of Phaeree.

"These are some of the people I met on Phaeree," Rishala said. He introduced them to the party.

"Phaeree?" Bilbus asked skeptically.

"Step through, Bilbus. Look for yourself. The gate will stay open for nine hours. My guests will be here for the remainder of the party." Rishala stopped and waited for Bilbus to meet his gaze. "And you see, it's true." He stuck his tongue out mockingly at Bilbus.

Bilbus peered through the gateway cautiously. "Damn." He could see a few forest creatures -- nothing like he had seen in a forest in Avillonia. "It is real. Maybe his stories are true."

Behind him, Eric and Breanna held hands. "Maybe you should open an herbalist's school in Ithellton," he suggested.

"I don't think..."

"Bree, we both know you have already surpassed Master Shipley," he reminded her. "With everything you've experienced, and the travels you've had, you have more practice with a wider variety of herbs than anyone I know. And, add the library the Caliph just gave you..."

Breanna pondered the idea.

"I've been thinking of holding an archery contest in Portsdale," Adria mentioned. "Between the Elven Archers and the Dalesian archers, and the orcs, for that matter, I think it would be fun."

"I'll have to attend," Eric said.

"You're invited."

2 Duir 2046

Bilbus sat up slowly, blinking his eyes carefully in the brilliant morning sun. He was still in the garden of the Ithell's manor, his friends sleeping on the lush grass surrounding him.

Rishala sat up groggily. Alyssa was using one of his shins as a pillow. Rishala glanced at her, then looked at Bilbus. "Aye, now that's a party. You sleep where you fall. I haven't had one like that since Caledonia."

As the rest of the party woke up, Bilbus realized that someone -- Ithell manor staff, no doubt -- had left some breads and meatrolls for breakfast on a bench nearby. Bilbus stretched, then shambled over to the bench to grab a few things.

Eric and Breanna were awake. They sat next to each other, leaning against one another.

"I was thinking we should go to Hellenas for our honeymoon," Eric suggested. "I recall that there is a temple of love outside of Athenapolis."

Breanna smiled and put an arm around his waist.

8 Duir 2046

Bilbus wandered into the Ithell manor stables. He and Adria had stayed for a week after the wedding, celebrating with friends and planning the future, but he needed to return to Portsdale. Being away too long might lead other Council members to cause trouble again, and Bilbus did not have enough strong allies on the Council to fend them off. Another year, perhaps, he estimated. Most of the hinterlands lords dislike the Inner Council. The trade route will give them incentive to support me, and it bypasses the Inner Council towns outright.

Acquisition 2 was not ready to leave. Neither was Adria's horse, nor the cart pony.

"Hello?" Bilbus called. "Are you still hung over from the party?"

Kasey's kelpie-warhorse Farran snorted. Bilbus glanced nervously towards the deadly beast, then nearly jumped in surprise.

A petite woman stood in the stall next to Farran, one hand caressing the kelpie's shoulder. She had pale brown hair and a dark silk dress, cut simply, that fell to her shin. Her feet were bare.

"You should be careful," Bilbus warned her. "Farran's a dangerous horse." Bilbus realized that he could see Farran's eyes glowing a faint red. "Demon. Whatever he is."

The woman spoke, a soft, musical voice. "You've done well, Bilbus." He realized that Farran was looking towards the woman. The horse's expression seemed reverent for some reason.

"I had hopes you would. From a con-man to a noble with deigns for much greater, this is quite a journey for a mere two years. Thanks to you and your friends, the Dark One's prison will last for a while yet. Sturm's fight will not be easy, but it has to be fought to give the world time."

She patted Farran's shoulder again. "And I'm proud of you, Farran. You've learned that not all humans should be hated because of the Fire King's sins. Men have grown over the years while your kin have been in exile. When you tell your dream-kin of your adventures, they will see that the new era is right for them, and they will return. You will no longer be alone and a half-breed. As the kelpies return, your true self will manifest at last."

She let herself out of the stall and approached Bilbus. "It's not over, of course. The prison holds, but the Dark One must be confronted once more before he is banished from this world." She patted Bilbus's chest. "But I have faith in Raven and Junior. They will do what needs to be done when the time comes."

"You..." Bilbus stammered. "You're Edain? This was all your fault." He smiled. "You set me up."

She smiled back at him, then stepped away. She walked to the broad, open doorway of the stables and glanced back one more time. She tossed something small at Bilbus's feet. He glanced down to see a pair of dice lying at his shoes. Both wooden dice showed six pips. He kneeled to pick them up. He glanced up at Edain, but she was no longer in the doorway. In the distance, he could hear the gallop of horses. Several horses in the stables bellowed in unison.

Still kneeling, Bilbus tossed the dice again. Once more, they landed with six pips up on each. Grinning, Bilbus pocketed the dice and walked to the doorway.

End Book IV: Sacrifice the Sun

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Original Draft 29 August 2004

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