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Back to the previous chapter: Book III: Horses
First Draft
The chill of winter still hung over Brallian when the Bard's Hearth arrived in the harbor of the Eirsudian capitol. During three weeks at sea, the ship had sailed from the balmy shores of Hellenas back to the chilly Kelltic nations of Avillonia. The trip had been quiet as the various members of the party spent their times studying and practicing, avoiding long discussions of the upcoming trip to the heart of their enemies' stronghold.
As one of the many longboats shuttled the party to shore, Bilbus scanned the familiar skyline of the city in which he had spent half of his childhood. The chill breeze from the sea ruffled his hair, and the clouds behind him, to the south, promised another bout of snow, but he was more interested in looking at the colorful and gaudy buildings ahead of him. There was a lot less traffic along the shorefront road than Bilbus would have expected for mid afternoon.
The longboat pulled alongside a dock. Bilbus and his companions climbed onto the dock, where they were immediately greeted by a tax collector.
"Welcome to Brallian," the tax collector said in his cheerful Brytho-Kelltic lilt. "We do have an entry tax for people and livestock arriving in Eiresud. It is but a Quid per person today, and a Quid per animal."
Bilbus deadpanned, "What is the exchange rate for Hellenic coinage?"
"Two for one," the tax collector replied.
Bilbus reached into his coin pouch and pulled out two folded pieces of paper. He placed them firmly in the man's hand, then walked past him, ignoring the incredulous look the tax collector gave.
Kasey put two coins in the man's hand. "For me and my horse," the tall knight said.
Kasey pointed at a horse that was making its way on shore near the dock. "Yeah, he doesn't like small boats. Big boats, either, but he will ride them if he has to."
The tall roan warhorse stopped on shore and shook, throwing water all about. When it stopped, Kasey saw the tail of a fish twitching from the horse's mouth.
"Farran, go to the Church Knights' compound and get a stall. I'll check in on you later."
The horse-kelpie crossbreed snorted, then bit into the fish. The fish's tail fell to the ground, severed from the rest of the fish. Farran trotted onto the road, laying his ears back at people who did not get out of his way fast enough. The ringing of his steel shoes was a sharp counterpoint to the calmer noises of the shoreside businesses.
As the party walked along the shoreside road, Rishala walked alongside Bilbus. "Bilbus? I dinna remember so many Church Knights on patrol."
"Hm?" Bilbus looked around. "No, I don't remember Church Knights patrolling in Brallian at all."
Bilbus looked around the dockside. He saw several groups of armed men wearing Church Knight armor.
Kasey chimed in, "Church Knights don't do this sort of thing. The city has its own watch, right?"
"Do they ever," Bilbus muttered to himself.
Eric looked at the patrols. "I wonder what is going on."
Breanna leaned close to Adria. "You weren't sick during that trip, were you?"
The younger woman shook her head. "Not at all."
"Maybe you're getting over your seasickness?" Breanna hoped.
"Maybe," Adria said uncertainly.
A voice called out behind the party: "Sir Sturm Sunblade, we bear a warrant for your arrest."
Adria bristled visibly at recognition of the voice. She and the rest of the party turned around to see the unpleasantly familiar Company of Unusual Headgear.
Sassy stood in front of his four companions, dangling a rumpled sheet of paper in one hand. He had a smirk on his face. When he noticed Adria's dark scowl, he winked at her. He did not notice that she had quietly moved one hand over a small dart tucked into the belt of her dress. The rest of the Company stood in a line behind Sassy, three of them familiar to the party, but the fourth face was new.
He, like the rest of the Company, wore a brilliant yellow domed hat with an oddly-cut brim in orange. Both the hat and brim appeared to be stiff velvet. The new member of the Company was younger than his companions, with dark hair that looked to be oil-slicked. He wore well-made but plain trousers and shirt.
Eric took three steps forward to take the paper from Sassy. It read:
Be it known that the bearer of this document acts in the authority and with the blessing of Sir Morys Vauhn, Lord High Commander of the Knights of the Sun.
The bearer of this document is charged to bring Sir Sturm Sunblade, Knight of the Sun, to the Sunkeep of Llwelyn.
Sir Sturm Sunblade is wanted for questioning in regards to his relationship with Sir Richard Atenburg, a confessed spy. Sir Sunblade is known to be a compatriot of the traitor Atenburg.
Sir Sunblade has been absent without permission of his command authority for many weeks. Furthermore, Sir Sunblade has not taken an oath of fealty to his new Lord High Commander.
The bearer is reminded that Sir Sunblade is a Knight of the Sun and is due all respects of his station. The bearer will be compensated five gold Drakes for his services.
Signed by my hand,
Lord High Commander Sir Morys Vauhn, Knight of the Sun
Eric held the paper out towards Sturm. The Sun Knight took the warrant and read through it.
Bilbus grinned a lopsided grin. "Hey, Sassy. Who's the new guy?"
Sassy's smirk faded. "After the untimely death of Coalface, we needed to add a new member. The Company charter requires five members. We have been searching for a new member for a few weeks now. This is 'Shadow'."
Shadow tipped his head forward to rub his smooth chin. As he did so, the party could better see the shape of the hat Shadow wore. From overhead, it looked like a yellow circle surrounded by a jagged orange halo. It looked like a child's rendition of the sun.
"Yeah," Shadow said in a slightly nasal tone. "Actually, you can call me Knife. Cold as steel, deadly and silent."
Kasey took a step towards Knife. "Hey, you should be careful. You might get hurt." The giant knight slapped Knife's shoulder. The scrawny man tumbled into the chilly bay, a stream of Brytho-Kelltic epithets spewing from him until he hit the water.
Adria started backing away from the impending fight. "I'm hungry," she protested. "I want to get a bite to eat. Besides, the knights can deal with these morons. I've had to put up with the Company for too long."
"Sounds like a good idea," Bilbus agreed as he glanced around to spot the nearest Church Knight patrol. They were about fifty paces away, facing the party.
Meridaun looked at the patrol and likewise started backing away. She was not about to get into a streetfight for which she would have to answer. Breanna followed her companions.
"Hey, Kase," Bilbus called. "We'll be at the Cracked Keel Pub when you're done with these guys."
Kasey drew Caladbolg, holding the Caledonian greatsword at arms' length, the tip of the blade pointed towards Sassy's throat. "Back down," Kasey said in a level voice.
Sassy raised his hands slowly, empty palms towards the Church Knight. He took a step back, and his three remaining companions likewise backed up a step.
Kasey returned his greatsword to the sheath on his back, then turned around. He noticed Eric and Rishala standing to one side, both with strung bows. The Church Knight put a hand on Sturm's shoulder, turning the Sun Knight around as well.
He whispered to the knight, "Come on. Let's act like we're walking away."
Behind the two knights, The Dunce blurted, "Guys, their backs are to us. We can take them. Come on, I don't want us to have wasted my hat design." The slide of a sword being eased from its scabbard followed soon after.
Kasey grinned. He heard The Dunce step forward.
Kasey turned around rapidly, closing with The Dunce before the man could react. Kasey drew his dagger with his right hand as he grabbed The Dunce's wrist with his left hand, immobilizing The Dunce's broad sword. Kasey pulled The Dunce forward violently, slashing simultaneously with the dagger. The Dunce shrieked in surprise, dropping his sword and looking at the deep cut across his abdomen in disbelief. Kasey released his grip on the dying man, then put a foot to The Dunce's chest and shoved him into the bay.
With a bloodthirsty smile, Kasey turned to face the three men who remained of the Company. He held his bloodied dagger out and flexed his knees, holding a knife fighter's stance.
Rishala took a few steps forward to stand next to Sturm. He took the warrant from the Sun Knight, skimmed over it, then shaped a quick casting of Heka into the paper. It ignited quickly. Rishala dropped the still-burning paper and raised an eyebrow as he looked at Sassy.
Sassy turned and pushed past his two comrades, running away from Kasey as quickly as he could. He nearly stumbled over himself, he was running so hard. His two compatriots turned to follow him.
"Keep running!" Adria encouraged them. "And don't come back!"
Sassy screamed, "Help us! A murderer!" as he ran towards the Church Knight patrol. The patrol started walking more quickly towards the Company.
Kasey threw a rock at his retreating opponents, cursing to himself in the Kelltic tongue and in the tongue of the Javik pirates.
Kasey turned rapidly towards the shore when he heard someone walking out of the water. The Dunce's body continued to float, face down, in the bay. Knife, however, was walking to shore, his hat lost in the bay. He shook his arms, flinging water, as he stumbled up the short, steep slope to the shoreside road.
He glanced up and saw Kasey facing him, dagger still at the ready. "Woah! Hey, easy there, Sir Knight," Knife said as he raised his arms. "I'm not going to pick a fight with you."
"Get out of here," Kasey snarled. When Knife did not move quickly enough, Kasey snapped, "Louder!"
"Good bye, Drippy!" Adria shouted mockingly. She nearly cackled as the water-soaked man ran down the road, away from Kasey and the Church Knight patrol.
Eric and Rishala were walking towards the pub, and Sturm followed them. Kasey turned to follow his friends, but the Church Knight patrol shouted, "Stop!"
Kasey faced the patrol. He lowered his dagger to his side and straightened.
"What do you have to say for yourself, Javik?"
"I'm not a Javik," Kasey protested. "See?" He held up his dagger, showing the Knights of the Church insignia on the pommel. He then reached into his shirt and pulled the medallion that Meridaun had given him out.
"Who'd you kill to get those?" the lead Church Knight said, his hand tight on the grip of his sword.
"They're mine. I took the oath of the Knights of the Church during the Alban Heruin summer solstice celebration of 2039. Father Medraut Davenold presided at the Cathedral Treasa in Londoun." Kasey glanced at the remaining members of the Company, who were still retreating, albeit at a slower pace. "Besides, they started it."
"No, they did not," the knight admonished Kasey. His posture had relaxed. "We saw you shove that guy," the knight pointed past Kasey at Knife, "into the water."
"Yeah, well, our fight wasn't with him. Those guys keep bothering us, and we keep trying to get them to leave us alone. And they keep bothering us. They were trying to arrest Sturm for some reason. Sturm isn't that bad of a guy. They must have made it up."
Something fell into place. The knight asked Kasey, "Who did you say you are?"
"I'm Sir Kasey Bittrand of Sulster, Knight of the Church of Kells, stationed in Castle Treasa."
The knight nodded to himself. "We are supposed to be looking for you, Sir Bittrand. You need to see the head of port security at the Harbor Master's office."
"Just me?"
"No, we were instructed to bring your companions, too."
"They're eating," Kasey said. He glanced at the shorefront pubs. "I think Adria said she wanted some fish and chips. I'm not sure where they went." Kasey looked back at the knights. "Is there a hurry?"
The lead knight shook his head.
Kasey brightened. "Good. Let's get something to eat. I'll buy."
The knight pointed at a nearby pub. "Aren't those some of your friends?"
Kasey saw Adria standing in the doorway, laughing mockingly at the Company as they fled the docks.
Kasey led the knights to the Cracked Keel Pub. Adria went back inside when she saw the knight approaching; the party had taken over a large round table inside. The barmaids had just brought out a round of drinks, and the smell of fresh fish was strong in the pub.
Meridaun sat at the bar on one end of the pub next to the only other patron in the place. From the looks of it, she was involved in a drinking contest, and she was already winning.
Kasey took a seat at a table near his friends' table. He gestured to the other knights to join him, then turned his seat so he could talk to his friends.
"These knights have to take us to the port security after we eat."
"Why?" Eric asked.
"I don't know." He turned to ask the knights just as a barmaid brought him an ale. Kasey sipped from the mug and forgot what he was going to ask.
After a few minutes, the fish was brought out. It had been battered in beer, and it was hot. Meridaun finished her drinking contest -- the man passed out, face hitting the bar top. Meridaun picked up a few coins that had been on the bar.
"The Church orphanage thanks you for your donation," she said to her unconscious opponent before she joined the party at the table.
"Cheater," Rishala observed as she sat down. "I felt the casting."
Meridaun shrugged dismissively. "Nothing forced him to make the bet in the first place. He should have been a little more alert that I wasn't just some shoreside trollop looking for some action."
Adria offered a plate to Rishala. "Fish?"
Rishala looked at the plate, then glanced at Adria's face. There was a twinkle in her eye. "Not from you, lass. Thanks."
Bilbus glanced at the knights. "I really need to change the color of my hair again." He ran his hand through his hair, which was red at the ends with long, dark roots showing from when he had dyed the hair last time he was in Brallian. "Maybe I'll go with blond hair again."
Adria looked at the two-tone hair her husband wore. "Go with no hair. Shave. They haven't seen that yet."
"Shave?" Bilbus blurted. He paused for a moment, thinking about it, before shaking his head.
Rishala let Adria goad Bilbus with increasingly improbable ideas before he interrupted then two. "Bilbus, maybe ye ought to see what is going on at the Harbor Master's office before ye change your hair color, so they won't recognize you afterwards." He cut a piece of his fish and stuffed it into his mouth.
The meal passed fairly quietly, with the party subdued wondering what the harbor master wanted with them.
After the meal, the party followed the Church Knights towards the Harbor Master's office. Along the route, the party passed a couple of warehouses that had been burned to the ground.
"I wonder what happened here," Eric said as they passed the first of the two buildings.
One of their escorts replied, "We broke up a smuggling ring. There was contraband in these warehouses."
The knights led the party into the Harbor Master's office building. They walked past the front office without acknowledging the men working in there. At an unmarked office towards the back of the building, the lead knight rapped on the door.
"Enter," a voice ordered from the other side.
The knight lifted the latch and pushed the door open, then stood to one side. The party walked into the office.
On the far side of a small, rickety desk, a familiar priest sat in the lone chair in the room. His feet were propped on the desk, crossed at the ankle, and he held a tabac stick. With a surge of Heka, he lit the tabac stick and took a slow drag off of it.
Bilbus grinned and pulled out a tabac stick of his own.
"Light?" the priest asked.
Bilbus nodded. He felt the small surge of Heka, and the end of his rolled paper started burning.
Adria scrunched her nose as the room filled with the acrid stink of the burning weed. Eric walked to the window and pushed it open, welcoming the chilly breeze as it diluted the tabac smoke.
"Meridaun," the priest said in greeting.
"Father Lahiff," she responded, tipping her head.
"It's good that you're back. I need you to catch a ship to al-Rhayidh right away. You need to meet with the Caliph to secure permission for the Knights to be in al-Rhayidh." Meridaun nodded and turned to leave. "Oh, and Meri? You better get the permission quick, before the Caliph noticed that we already have a camp down there."
Meridaun shook her head as she left, muttering quietly to herself.
Once she was gone, Father Lahiff nodded at the door. "Would you mind shutting that? The Harbor Master has no need to overhear Church business." Rishala shut the door, noticing that the Church Knights were still in the hallway.
"Good," Father Lahiff said. "Did you have a nice trip? How was Hellenas?"
Sturm growled. "It's not the center of learning it was. We were there."
Lahiff arched his eyebrows. "Oh?"
"Orcs attacked through a Portal on the Academy grounds. They torched the antiquities building. The Shroeganus Balsil was in the antiquities building."
Father Lahiff nodded to himself.
Kasey interjected, "Sturm has a warrant out for his arrest. Are there others?"
Sturm said, "You can be sure of it."
"Maybe you should disguise Sturm," Father Lahiff suggested.
Sturm looked at the priest. "I'm not sure I want to look like a Sun Knight right now."
"Pirate!" Adria suggested.
"Or a thief," Bilbus offered.
Rishala shook his head. "Look at him, Bilbus. He does not look like a thief."
"A pirate!" Adria suggested more emphatically.
"How about a story teller?" Bilbus said, almost seriously. "We can put him in a kilt, too."
"And when he doesn't tell stories?" Eric asked Bilbus.
"Rishala doesn't tell stories," Bilbus reminded the Azirian. "No one will know the difference."
Rishala got a mock hurt face. "I stopped telling stories because you were making fun of them."
Bilbus met Rishala's gaze. "I was making fun of them because you kept telling stories about how you supposedly went to Phaeree." The mountebank glanced at Sturm. "We should get him some new armor to disguise him. But I need to go by the Church, first."
Adria rolled her eyes and yawned.
"I can escort the ladies to an inn," Kasey offered. "I need to check in on Farran, anyway, so I can meet you at the Church."
Eric looked at the priest idly puffing on his tabac stick. "Father Lahiff, what do you know about the Sun Knight situation."
"I know a little," the priest admitted. "I've seen reports that there is open rebellion against the Sunkeep. A faction opposed to the Lord High Commander's priorities has taken over a small keep in the Middle Ranges, and they've been trying to recruit others from the rank and file. We're not too sure which side will prevail. The Sun Knights have been losing members, both to the rebels and to the Church. We've had a lot of Sun Knights appearing outside our strongholds asking to join.
"But the leader of the rebellion was captured just a couple of weeks ago in Llwelyn trying to recruit some high-level knights."
Eric nodded to himself. "What is the Church doing about the rebellion?"
"The Church does not get involved in politics. We left that business long ago." Father Lahiff paused. "But it is the duty of the Shield of the Church to protect the people of the Church. That's why some of the Sun Knights have gone to our keeps. There was an unpleasant showdown at the Church Knight compound in Llwelyn a few weeks back."
"And when the orcs start attacking?" Eric asked.
"We all hope the Sun Knights can sort out their internal problems and get back to their mission soon. The Knights of the Church stand ready for battle. We've been fortunate. There have not been heavy raids out of the Middle Ranges, even though we have seen evidence of large numbers of orcs moving through the Middle Ranges in recent weeks."
Father Lahiff paused to look at his guests. "There is something else going on, here in town. There have been some ritualistic killings taking place. It started within a day or two of your departure for Hellenas. Do you know anything about it? The King is calling it an evil cult, and he is offering a reward."
"Stalgraf?" Eric mused quietly. To Lahiff: "We may know who it is."
"The ritual killings only happen at night. It has the city scared. Few people go out at night. Patrols are doubled in size, but that means there are fewer patrols."
"Why are the Church Knights patrolling the docks?" Eric asked.
"Did you see the warehouses that had burned?" Father Lahiff asked. After Eric nodded, Father Lahiff continued. "We had information -- I'm guessing from one of you -- that orcs were being smuggled into town. We found where they were hidden and torched the buildings. It was easier than dealing with the panic of having the orcs charge out of the buildings and start pillaging. We found the sympathizer who let them in and arrested him. We're telling the public and the king that there was a very evil smuggling ring. I will tell the king the truth in a week or so. The patrols are here primarily to keep order on the docks. Plus, with so many Church Knights in the area, who is going to notice a few boarding ships here and there, heading south?"
"We should be going," Bilbus said. "It will be getting dark soon, and I have a lot to do before then."
The party left the Harbor Master's office. Kasey led Adria and Breanna towards an inn, while Bilbus led Sturm, Eric, and Rishala towards the Church.
Outside the church and its adjoined orphanage, Bilbus shushed his friends. He led them around to the side of the orphanage, then up some bricks that jutted out just far enough to provide handholds and footholds. The mountebank slowly pushed a window open a half-story from the ground, then climbed in. Once he was sure the room was empty, he motioned for the other three to follow him.
Inside, Bilbus quietly led his companions to the library. The interior of the orphanage was quiet -- the children were gathered for the evening meal -- but Bilbus did not want to risk an encounter with the Mother of the Orphanage.
Bilbus readily picked the lock on the library, then went straight to the forbidden stacks, where he picked another lock. Inside the inner stacks, Bilbus stopped and dropped the back pack that he carried. He took out several books and put them back in their places. He then started looking for other books.
Rishala also started scanning through the titles. By the time Bilbus had found three books, Rishala had one as well.
"What's that?" Bilbus asked as he nodded towards Rishala's book.
"The Astrology and Astronomy of Prophecy," Rishala replied.
"Huh," Bilbus said as he ushered his companions out of the forbidden section of the library. He carefully reset the lock, then left the library.
Once his friends were out, he re-locked the main library door. He went back to the empty room and window that he had used to get into the orphanage. He glanced back and realized Rishala was not with him.
Bilbus stuck his head back into the hallway. He saw Rishala walking down the hallway towards the front door.
Rishala stopped and half turned to his companion. Speaking in a normal voice, he replied, "I'm walking out the front door. Why should I need to climb out?"
"You're going to get caught!" Bilbus whispered loudly. Glancing back at his friends, he said, "Let's get out of here before the Mother starts hunting for us."
Bilbus scrambled out the window and jumped to the ground. As he stood, he caught a whiff of tabac burning. Bilbus turned to face Father Lahiff, who was leaning against the building, waiting, arms crossed.
"Need another light?" the Father asked. "I thought you would come out this way. I almost forgot: On your way through Kells, check in with Father Gillifin. Tell him I sent you. Have a good trip."
Bilbus walked towards the front of the orphanage. In front of the building were Rishala and Kasey.
Kasey looked puzzled. "Why were you walking between the buildings?"
"Never mind," Bilbus said. He glanced towards the sky, which was already turning dark. The sun was setting. "We need to hurry up and get to the armorer."
Bilbus led his friends through the streets, noting with dismay at how quickly the traffic was thinning as darkness settled in. Brallian had always been a lively city, day or night.
Bilbus found the armorer for whom he had been seeking. The man was just lowering the large wooden side walls of his forge room, trying to close his shop for the evening.
Bilbus walked up to the man. "Good evening, Master armorer. I am Lord Hogain. I need a suit of armor crafted for me. Price is no object."
"What sort of suit?"
"Leather with a breast plate. I can show you." Bilbus took one of the books he had taken from the Church library and flipped through it. He found the illustration he wanted: It was labeled "Foot man of the Sun King".
"I can fashion the breast plate. The leather armor looks fairly normal, other than the tooling on the arms. I can find someone to do that work. It will take some time..."
"I will be back here in fifteen days," Bilbus interrupted.
"I may have it ready by then. I will need a deposit."
"Do you take gems?" After the man nodded, Bilbus added, "I will pay for all of it up front." He tipped his head towards Sturm. "Also, get him some armor."
"Why?" Sturm growled.
"For a disguise," Bilbus said as if answering a stupid question.
"A new suit of armor is not really much of a disguise. People can still see my face."
Bilbus pointed past Sturm. "Not if you wear that helm, too." Bilbus started counting out gems.
Sturm looked at the helm. It was a crude pot helmet, perhaps the work of an apprentice. It had odd, asymmetrical bat-like wings sticking from the sides, and a too-narrow eyeslit. "No," Sturm decided.
Bilbus had finished picking out gems. "I want a receipt," he said.
The man nodded and found a sheet of paper. He took a narrow charcoal stick and carefully wrote a receipt on the paper, then gave it to Bilbus.
As the party left the armorer's shop, Bilbus said, "Now let's find out where Franz Stalgraf is. There's only one group of people who know the city well enough to tell us where to find him."
""Oh?" Eric asked.
"The guild."
"Would that be the guild that tried to kill you when you lived in Brallian, Bilbus?"
"Yes, Eric, that would," Bilbus said with a hint of irritation. "But we are going to go to a restaurant that is considered neutral territory, so we should be safe."
Bilbus took a deep breath. "Now, Kasey, we're going someplace where there are a lot of bad guys, but we can't draw weapons on them, because they would run away and escape. We need to talk to them to find the really bad guy."
"Okay," Kasey said, not convinced.
Bilbus led the party through Brallian towards a seedier region closer to the docks. At last, he approached a single-story building. The windows were dark and the door shut. The mountebank tried the door handle. The door did not move.
"They're closed?" Eric asked.
"This place never closes. The people who frequent this place work day and night." Bilbus tried the door handle again. Still, nothing.
"Maybe they went out of business."
Bilbus ignored the suggestion as he kneeled close to the door lock. In the darkness that had fallen, it was difficult to see anything, so Bilbus took out a lockpick and probed the lock, trying to find any traps while getting a feel for the lock mechanism. He took out another tool, then set about unlocking the door.
Bilbus nudged the door. It shifted a little, but did not give way.
"It's barred," he said as he drew his adamantine dagger. He put the dagger through the gap between the door and frame, just above the lock, and lifted. Holding the dagger against the door, Bilbus slowly pushed the door open. Once he could reach through the opening, he grabbed the bar and held it while he pushed the door the rest of the way open.
The party stepped cautiously into the restaurant. It was darker inside than it was outside -- the windows were opaque and no lanterns were lit on the interior. The dining room was empty.
Eric picked his way through the dining room to the kitchen. He disappeared into it for a few seconds, then came back. "The hearth is still warm. They must have closed for the night."
Kasey was wandering around the dining room. He found a bread roll and an ostensibly clean mug. He filled the mug with beer from a keg and started soaking the bread in the beer.
"Where are the bad guys?" he asked, sounding disappointed.
"Yeah, Bilbus," Eric echoed. "Where are the bad guys?"
Bilbus grabbed a bottle of whiskey. "Let's go to the Guild house and find out." He took a bar rag and twisted it tight. The makeshift wick he stuffed into the neck of the bottle of whiskey.
Kasey dropped a coin on the bar to pay for his bread and beer. Eric likewise dropped a coin before he left.
The party made its way through the seedy part of Brallian, following Bilbus as he remembered the way to the Thieves' Guild house. As they turned a dark corner, they heard a blood-curdling scream in the distance. The scream cut short abruptly.
Bilbus approached a building. Eric noticed that two of the upper story windows were open, and he saw the distinctive shapes of heavy crossbows trained on the party. Bilbus seemed unaware.
"Bilbus," the explorer said quietly, "there are crossbows pointed at us."
Bilbus ignored Eric. In the Thieves' sign language, he gestured, I am here to see Iceknife.
Behind him, Rishala raised his right hand in a fist, then extended his index finger. He flexed it and straightened it repeatedly, until he heard one of the crossbowmen on the second story cough a short laugh.
At the inn, Adria and Breanna had hot baths. While drying their hair and waiting for the men to arrive, they waited in Adria's room.
Adria decided to show Breanna how to throw small, easily concealed knives. Adria drew a chalk caricature of one of the Company of Unusual Headgear on the wall, then demonstrated her throwing technique. Breanna was soon pitching knives at the target.
The younger noblewoman watched her friend throw the knives for a while. Breanna showed promise.
Adria cleared her throat. "So Bree, I had a question I thought you might be able to answer. I don't have much knowledge in this area, since I was raised by my father. I was wondering..." The words didn't seem to want to come. Spit it out, Adria thought to herself. "I was wondering, as a healer... how does a woman tell if she's... pregnant?"
(For a more complete accounting of the evening, look here.)
The first few cautious flakes of snow fell from the sky as someone unlocked the door to the Guild house from inside. Bilbus counted locks turning and bars moving, then furrowed his eyebrows. "Three bars. That's bad. They've added one."
Bilbus stood at the door for a few seconds, then slowly pushed it in. It moved slowly -- except for the outer panel, it was solid iron. Once the door was open, Bilbus walked in with a cocky swagger. The inner room was dark, except for a single lensed lantern pointed at the door. Bilbus heard the two knights step in behind him. Rishala and Eric stayed outside.
"What do you want?" a voice near the lantern asked.
"We can help each other out. We can get rid of the problem that's been keeping everyone indoors."
"Who are you, then?"
Bilbus smirked. "I'm Bilbus the Great. Perhaps you've heard of me."
There was a pause. "Yeah. There's two Gold Harps for your head, and another for the rest of you. Iceknife will pay it personally."
Behind Bilbus, Kasey said, "Gee, Bilbus. Sturm is worth five."
Bilbus ignored the knight. "Go get Iceknife. He would want to hear what I have to say."
There was some shuffling behind the lantern After another moment, another voice spoke. "Bilbus, you have a lot of gall walking into the Guild house with the price on your head."
Flippantly, Bilbus asked, "Business been a little dead lately?"
Iceknife snarled, "What the Hells do you want?"
Undaunted, Bilbus continued. "We can come to an arrangement. We know the Guild keeps its ears open. This problem has got to be hurting business. You point us were they're at, and we will deal with them. You get business going again, and we get to take care of some unfinished business."
"Do you think we wouldn't take care of the problem if we knew where it was coming from?"
"You don't know?" Bilbus asked disbelievingly.
There was a silence.
Outside, Rishala looked down the roads. He had used a Heka weave that allowed him to see in the dark, and he was hoping to spot something. At last, he did.
There was a thing walking across the street at a crossing about five blocks away. Its legs were articulated wrong -- backwards -- and it had a brilliantly red skin. It walked slowly, its head scanning back and forth.
"Eric," Rishala said as he nudged the Azirian. "Do you see that?"
"What?" Eric asked as he strained to see in the darkness.
Rishala pointed as the thing disappeared down a side street. "One of the things Stalgraf summons just crossed the street, five blocks down."
"I'll tell Bilbus," Eric said. He stepped into the Guild house and stopped behind Bilbus. Quietly, he told Bilbus what Rishala had seen.
Bilbus nodded. Towards Iceknife, he said, "Well, it was nice talking to you. You can't help us out, after all."
Outside, the party quickly walked away from the Guild house. Five blocks down, Rishala pointed down the side street. "It went that way."
Bilbus looked down the darkened street. "Maybe we can make noises to draw it to us. You know, act like stupid, lost people?"
"That is an idea," Eric said. "Or, we can follow it back to Franz Stalgraf." He pointed at the dusting of snow on the ground. There were tracks in the snow, split hooves. They had partially melted the snow around them, leaving an easy trail to follow.
Bilbus looked at the trail. "Well, yeah. We could do that, too."
The party followed the trail of steps down the road. After several minutes, winding into an even worse part of town than the Thieves' Guild house occupied, they overtook the thing. From behind, it looked like a very red, emaciated human, almost six feet tall. Except that its legs moved like they were on backwards and it had hooves instead of feet. And it had sharp claws on its hands.
The road the followed was narrow, little more than eight paces wide. It wound around a building to the right, then turned sharply back left in front of a partially burned-out shop. Bilbus had the lead, stepping quietly in the snow. He rounded the front of the shop and stopped abruptly. He backpedaled into Kasey, who grabbed the hilt of Caladbolg and prepared to draw the weapon. The party backed up a few paces.
Bilbus turned to his companions. In a hushed voice, he said, "It's up ahead. I saw some glowing red eyes in the building around the corner, watching in this direction."
He looked along the front of the shop until he spotted the frame where there used to be a door. "The road curves around to the far side of this building. We can cut through it and follow that thing."
The mountebank crept into the shop. The center of the shop had scorch marks on both floor and ceiling, and there was smoke damage on the entire ceiling. A number of the tables had been smashed, and a few showed fire damage as well.
Bilbus led towards the back office of the building. Stairs led up to the former owner's home, and a second door led to a back storage room. The office had a window looking out across the street. Bilbus kneeled next to the window and pulled out a small mirror. He angled the mirror so he could look down the road to his left, towards the building with the glowing eyes. The mountebank watched for minutes, tilting the mirror to look at the entire face of the four-story structure. After a while, he walked back to his friends, who had gone into the back store room to look for the creature they were following.
"I saw more eyes on the upper floors -- there's a pair on the third story, and another pair on the fourth. They never blink. I wonder if they're illusory."
Eric considered the possibility. "Demons may not blink, either." There was a window in the store room. Eric pointed out it. "The thing we were following went down this alley and into the building on the left."
The party slipped out the back door of the shop, intending to move up to the building into which the demon had gone. As they approached the building -- a run-down apartment, as it turned out -- the party noticed more glowing eyes in a window near the door they approached.
The eyes moved. Eric readied his bow, waiting for the door to open. When it did, the creature they were following came out the door. Its face was nearly skeletal, with the glowing red eyes deep in the eye sockets and a cruel, sharp-toothed mouth. Eric calmly released the bowstring, and his arrow shot into the thing's head, through an eye socket. The fletching stuck from the front of its face, and the arrow clearly jutted from the back.
The thing did not even flinch.
Instead, it walked towards the party at its slow pace, unmindful of the arrow through its head.
"Hells!" Eric cursed.
The party quickly retreated back into the building. Sturm threw the door shut and readied Gretorixmar, while Kasey took up a position next to the door, Caladbolg gripped tightly with both hands. Bilbus ran into the office and drew his mirror, while Eric and Rishala passed him, heading into the main room of the shop.
Bilbus peered towards the building in which he had first spotted glowing eyes. None of them had moved.
After a minute, Bilbus slipped back into the store room with the two knights. At the window in the store room, Bilbus poked the mirror past the sill, looking for the demon. It was no longer in the street. Bilbus did see an odd-looking pair of glowing eyes in the window of that apartment once more -- one of the eyes looked partially obscured. Bilbus quickly checked the rest of the alleyway. It dead-ended behind the shop in which he was -- the alley turned away from the back of the shop, and it ended with the apartment that had the demon on the left, another apartment, boarded up, ahead, and two smaller buildings on the right.
"It went back," Bilbus said with surprise. "It's back in the window, guarding the building."
Sturm and Kasey both relaxed a little.
"This isn't very good security," Bilbus observed. He glanced across the alleyway at the building opposite the back of the shop, a scant seven feet away. "We can probably find a plank that will cover the distance between this building and that one. We can cross on the second story, to one of the windows up there." Bilbus pointed at the two windows on the second story of the building across the alley. "From there, we can get to the apartment building at the end of the block, without walking through Stalgraf's front door."
The two knights and the mountebank went back to the front of the shop, where Eric and Rishala waited. Bilbus told them about what he had observed of the demon's actions and about his plan for crossing the alley. The party set about looking for a suitable length of board that was neither fire damaged or rotted. After some time, they found a stout length of board from a broken table.
The party returned to the back office, and they climbed the stairs to the second story. There was a small vestibule at the top of the stairs, just large enough for two of them to stand. The vestibule had a window that overlooked the narrow alley behind the shop. The window faced a window in the other building.
Kasey slid the plank across the opening between the two buildings. Once the knight was out of the way, Bilbus crawled onto the plank. He pulled out his grapple and handed the hook to Kasey. "Have someone over here hold this, in case I slip. Once I'm across, I'll anchor it over there and we can use it to help balance as we cross."
Kasey took the grapple. Bilbus stood on the plank and quickly crossed to the window of the other building. The oilpaper was torn, allowing Bilbus to peek inside to make sure no one waited for him. He saw no motion, no glowing eyes, so he hopped in. He detached his rope from its anchor on his jacket so he could check the apartment without a rope trailing behind him.
The mountebank quickly swept through the small two-room apartment on the second story of the apartment. He peered out windows on the side of the building, looking for the glowing red eyes in the apartment opposite him. The demon with the arrow through its head still stood at its window, unmoving.
Bilbus returned to the plank. He grabbed the rope and wrapped it around his forearm a couple of times, then waved back at his companions. Kasey crawled out onto the plank, then stood up, holding the rope in one hand. He tried to run across the plank, but slipped halfway across. Bilbus cursed under his breath and braced himself for the jolt of the rope going taut.
Kasey fell onto the plank. The wood was not as strong as it appeared, and the plank shattered. Kasey fell towards the paving stones below. When the rope went taut, Bilbus felt it slip around his arm. The rope flew out of his hands, and Kasey swung down towards the building he had just exited. He hit the wall a foot above the ground, then fell to the ground.
Bilbus ran to the other window. The red-eyed demon no longer stood at the window. The door was opening.
"Kase! Here comes the demon!" the mountebank shouted. Bilbus leaned out the window to see Kasey picking himself up from the ground, shaking his head.
Bilbus drew the drow long sword, looked at the demon that was just stepping out of the apartment building, and jumped out the window. He brought his sword up to stab the thing as he landed, but Bilbus misjudged the distance. He landed just a pace short, on his feet.
The demon turned to face Bilbus, the arrow still in its head.
Frantically, Bilbus swung the adamantine sword. The black blade cut into the demon's midsection, leaving a darker red gouge in the red skin. The demon raised an arm to swipe at Bilbus with its nasty claws. With a shout, Kasey charged the thing and swung Caladbolg in a mighty arc. The ancient sword cut through the demon, leaving one arm hanging uselessly by a strand of flesh.
Bilbus stabbed with the drow blade, thrusting its fine tip into the body of the demon. It erupted into a sooty burst of flame and vanished. The arrow through its head fell to the ground noisily.
Kasey had a feral grimace on his face. He turned to face the door to the demon's apartment when it creaked once more. Another demon came through the door, walking towards Kasey at a slow pace. Kasey took a step towards it and swung once more. Caladbolg tore through the red-skinned abomination, turning it, too, into an evaporating cloud of soot.
"Any more guard dogs want to come out and play?" the Church Knight shouted.
Kasey walked towards the apartment at the end of the alleyway. Sword still in hand, he kicked at the door. It did not budge. "The door's blocked," he assessed.
Eric looked at the tracks in the snow. They all led to the apartment on the left side of the alley. "I suspect Stalgraf is in that building," he pointed towards the one with the barricaded door. "Maybe there's a passage between the two buildings, just to make it tougher for someone to get through to him."
Kasey took the lead as the party went into the apartment building from which the demons had come. After a quick, thorough check of the ground floor, Kasey led them up the stairs to the upper story. He saw two more of the demons at the top of the flight of stairs. With a shout, the tall knight raced up the stairs, dispatching one of the demons before they could react. As the second one turned to attack Kasey, Rishala released an arrow from his drow bow. The arrow shot into the demon, glowing like a full moon as it raced into the thing. The glow splashed onto the demon and faded quickly as Rishala fired a second arrow. The demon swiped at Kasey, but its claws were utterly ineffective against the magickal amulet Kasey wore.
On the second floor of the building, the party found a hole that had been torn in the wall. It led to the barricaded apartment building. After dispatching two more demons, the party went through the hole into the new building. They wound their way through the building, finding more isolated pockets of demons doing their mindless sentry duty.
The party rounded a corner to find stairs leading both up to the third story and down to the ground story. Bilbus stopped to light a tabac stick, unimpressed with the defenses of Stalgraf's lair.
"Which way?" Kasey asked.
"Up," Eric suggested.
Up the stairs he climbed. Three more of the beasts waited in the room at the top of the stairs. Kasey once more charged, dispatching one with a single blow by the time Rishala had loosed an arrow at a second. Kasey shifted around, ignoring the ineffective claws of the demons, to attack the third. With three more arrows, Rishala destroyed the second demon shortly after Kasey had slain the third.
The party found one last pair of sentries before a door. After quickly killing both of the demons, Kasey kicked the door open and charged through.
The room was large and nearly empty. Near the door were two more of the demons, waiting. Halfway across the room was Franz Stalgraf, standing in a circle of protection. On the far side was a horrific demon, one Bilbus had seen twice before. It was three paces tall, with a hideous visage that could cause nightmares. The first time he had seen it, it was with Franz Stalgraf in Londoun. The second time, it had flown in and attacked Sturm just outside Brallian. Eric had been struck insane by the sight of the demon.
Screaming, Bilbus dropped his sword and his tabac stick. He turned and fled.
Both knights charged the large demon, swords at ready. Rishala turned to one of the demonkin and loosed an arrow at five paces' distance. The glowing arrow pierced the demonkin's chest, but did not destroy it. Eric drew Fragarach and swung at the nearer demonkin, cutting it to the ground.
Stalgraf pointed a hand at Eric. A glowing bolt of energy leaped from his hand, striking Eric in the side. Instinctively, Eric turned and swung at Stalgraf, even though the sorcerer was nearly ten paces away. Eric felt the sword slow as if it were meeting resistance, and he saw Stalgraf stagger back a step, a look of surprise on his face.
The two knights reached the large demon and swung. Both hit, cutting deep gouges into the fleshy beast. It swung at Sturm, just missing the Sun Knight. Sturm swung at it again, and it erupted into flames. In a flash, the demon was gone.
Eric rushed Stalgraf. Arrows from Rishala's bow passed him, striking an invisible shield just in front of Stalgraf. The arrows fell to the ground. Eric swung Fragarach at the sorcerer. His first blow fell short, once more striking the invisible shield. Another of Rishala's arrows struck the shield, but the arrow stopped far closer to Stalgraf than the previous ones had done. Eric swung again, striking flesh this time. The blade cut deep into Stalgraf's side. The sorcerer's eyes flashed surprise before he collapsed to the ground.
Eric kneeled beside the body. A couple of quick touches confirmed that Stalgraf was not dead. He was grievously injured, and dying, but not dead yet.
"He's alive," Eric said.
"Not for long," Sturm said, raising his sword as he walked towards Stalgraf's motionless body.
"Wait!" Eric shouted. "We should keep him alive. He might still have information we can use."
"No," Rishala disagreed. "After what he's done to us?"
"He escaped last time because the Church underestimated him," Eric replied. "What if we question him, then turn him over to Father Lahiff, with an explanation of who Stalgraf is?"
"Something may go wrong again," Rishala retorted. "Better that we deal with him while we have control over him."
Eric sighed. "What if we at least question him, first? Rishala, he is not going to last much longer if we don't do something now."
Rishala paused for a moment, debating with himself. Finally, he kneeled next to the wounded man, mindful of the large pool of blood forming underneath Stalgraf. With a quick working of Heka, Rishala stabilized Stalgraf and mended the wound enough to keep Stalgraf from dying.
"There," Rishala said. "He'll keep, now."
A distant, maniacal scream echoed in from somewhere in the apartment building.
"Where the Hells is Bilbus?" Rishala suddenly asked.
Bilbus raced towards the stairs, no longer caring if his friends were behind him or not. That giant demon had done too much to them to face once again. If he could get out of the building, and away from Brallian, he would be safe again.
Bilbus stumbled down the stairs, skipping one or two steps at a time. On the second floor, Bilbus looked at the stairs to the ground floor. It was far closer than having to go clear back through the rest of the apartment building to the hole in the wall. He nearly tripped on his way down the stairs to the ground floor.
The door -- and escape -- was barricaded by an armoire, several chairs, and a bench. In front of the door were two of the demonkin. Both raised claws towards Bilbus, firing glowing darts of magickal energy. Both darts dissipated before touching Bilbus, their energies spent trying to pierce Bilbus's magickal protective necklace.
Bilbus ran forward, shouldering past the two demonkin, to grab a chair. He threw it across the room, his back to the demonkin, and reached for another. He felt a faint pressure on his back. One of the demonkin had raked at him with its sharp claws. The necklace absorbed the attack, but Bilbus still felt the pressure.
Bilbus turned to face the demonkin, the madman's grin on his face matching the rictus on each of the demonkin's face. Bilbus drew his adamantine dagger and slashed at one of them. The drow blade cut the demon, leaving a searing gouge on its side. It swiped at him again, doing no damage. Bilbus stabbed towards its throat, barely feeling the satisfaction that accompanied its sudden evaporation into foul smoke. The other demonkin pressed its attack ineffectively. Bilbus slashed at it with his dagger, and it, too, was soon a vanishing cloud of smoke.
Bilbus slammed his dagger back into its sheath, then turned to the furniture once more. He grabbed another chair and threw it aside.
Bilbus ignored the heavy footsteps that approached from behind. Even when Kasey leaned around Bilbus's side, the mountebank kept to task.
Bilbus threw another chair aside.
"Bilbus, it's gone. The demons are gone. Sturm got the big one." Bilbus hesitated. "I got your sword."
Bilbus turned to face Kasey.
"Come on, Bilbus. Let's go back upstairs. It's over."
Bilbus took the sword from Kasey, then let the knight lead him back to the third story. Near the room where Stalgraf and Stalgraf's minions had been, Bilbus stopped. "I won't go back in there."
Kasey looked at Bilbus for a moment. "Okay. We'll be out in a minute. We just need to wrap Stalgraf up so we can question him, and we need to break those magic circles."
Bilbus looked around the room. It was dark, nearly pitch black, save for the light coming from Stalgraf's chamber. Bilbus spotted a dying ember on the ground. He kneeled next to it and picked up his dropped tabac stick. It had been partially crushed. Sighing to himself, Bilbus reached into his belt pouch for another one. There were no more. Bilbus sighed again, louder this time.
After a few minutes, his companions had finished. Rishala carried a lantern, providing some light. Kasey had Stalgraf thrown over a shoulder, and Eric had a large book tucked under an arm.
"Let's mop up," Bilbus said. "There were a few of them out there still."
Bilbus led his friends back into the alleyway. Bilbus walked up to the window where he had first spotted the red eyes, weapons sheathed, and looked inside.
"Bilbus, ye idiot!" Rishala barked.
"What? They can't hurt me. They tried." He pointed a thumb towards the window. "Besides, it ain't here."
Bilbus walked into the building. After several minutes, he came back out the door. "They're gone. Like they never were there. Maybe Stalgraf lost control of them, and they left."
The party left the alleyway, heading back to the inn.
They walked into the inn late in the night. Bilbus threw the door open, making room for Kasey, who still carried the unconscious and grievously wounded Stalgraf. The night innkeeper's eyes goggled when the tall knight walked through the door with a bloodied man. He rushed towards the front door, waving his arms and shouting a protest.
Rishala put a hand up to reassure the man. "We have prior unfinished business with this man."
Kasey added, "Church business." He glanced over his shoulder at Sturm. "Do you want to interrogate him now?"
"We may want to collect the reward first," Sturm replied.
"I don't think we will want to bring him before the king," Eric said.
"Take him to the smoking priest," Bilbus suggested. "He should be able to keep an eye on Stalgraf. Then, we go get the reward. If the king wants to see Stalgraf, we can come back for him. We should wake the girls."
Bilbus went upstairs to roust Breanna and Adria. He returned a number of minutes later with Breanna, who eyed Stalgraf suspiciously.
"Adria wants to sleep," Bilbus said. "Bree said she would go with us to keep an eye on Stalgraf."
"I have something that will keep him asleep," Breanna said. "Although he would be better dead."
Eric raised an eyebrow.
"Look what he did last time. He escaped, and killed those Church Knights, and made Eric crazy, and..." Her voice trailed off.
"He possessed all of you," Eric added.
Bilbus sighed and rolled his eyes. "Let's go find the smoking priest and leave Stalgraf with him. Bree, you can watch over him, too, to make sure he doesn't do anything. We will get the reward, come back, and question Stalgraf. Then we can make sure Stalgraf doesn't cause any more trouble."
The party took Stalgraf to the Church. After some quiet talking to the priest who was on duty, they found Father Lahiff's room in a nearby Church dormitory. Kasey rapped on the door.
After a few moments of shuffling on the other side of the door, Father Lahiff opened the door. He had a robe wrapped tightly around him, and his hair was disheveled.
"Why are you here at this ungodly hour?" the priest mumbled.
"All hours are godly, Father Lahiff," Kasey said.
The priest ignored the knight.
"This is Franz Stalgraf," Eric said. "He worked in Londoun importing goods. He was also the head of the Anlor Balsil Agralem in Londoun." Lahiff scrutinized the unconscious man on Kasey's shoulder. Eric continued, "We captured him a few months ago and turned him over to the Church in Londoun. They were shipping him to Kells for questioning, and he escaped. He is a sorcerer, and he summons demons. The knights escorting him were careless, and he managed to summon help and escape. He was responsible for the killings in town recently. We captured him again. We want to go to collect the reward, but we need him watched closely."
"I will watch him," Father Lahiff said, his eyes dark. "If you need, I will vouch for you to the king."
Kasey entered Father Lahiff's room and dropped Stalgraf on the ground. Breanna entered the room, then the rest of the party left for the King's palace.
The party returned to Father Lahiff's room an hour after leaving. Stalgraf was bound and gagged, with a blindfold over his eyes. Breanna sat on one side of the room, looking like a bound predator as she glared at Stalgraf with abject hatred. Father Lahiff sat closer to the prisoner, watching him intently.
"Any problems?" Lahiff asked after the party had shut the door.
"Nope," Bilbus said. "He wanted to get rid of us after waking him up at that hour. We told him you were good for it if we were lying, and Kasey swore as a Church Knight that we spoke the truth."
"Let's find out what Stalgraf knows," Sturm growled.
"Tell ya what, Sturm," Bilbus said. "We'll be down the hall in the sitting room. See what he knows. Then we can find somewhere to dispose of him."
Bilbus ushered his friends and Father Lahiff out of the room, leaving the Sun Knight alone with Franz Stalgraf.
Sturm joined his comrades fifteen minutes later in the sitting room. They had started a game of cards.
"He's unconscious again," Sturm said. "He says he was here in town hunting us. No one was directing him after us. He had about twenty demonkin under his control, but they will leave, if they haven't already, since he is no longer in position to control them. He has not had contact with his commander since we captured him. I asked him why his organization thought Hellenas was important -- there was a Portal there, after all. He did not know. He does not know when the invasion will begin, but he was told to have Londoun ready in the spring for orcs."
Bilbus set his cards down. "Well, I guess it's time to tie weights to him and toss him off of a pier -- it's a Brallian Guild tradition." He thought for a moment. "You know, the invasion plan is basically the same as last time. They are going to land in Brallian, then just head across. Instead of Camelough, they head to Londoun. Plus, they have orcs already in the Middle Ranges."
Eric yawned. "Regardless, let's take care of Stalgraf, then get some sleep."
Kasey went back for Stalgraf, then followed his companions out into the night.
The following morning arrived far too quickly for the party. They quickly decided to stay in the inn for an additional day to rest and plan.
Eric spent the morning in the common room of the inn, empty, save for his companions. He was preparing a letter to his father, warning Janus Ithell of the dire events that were conspiring. In the letter, he warned his father that there could be as many as three armies near or in Armagh by the time planting season arrived -- hordes of orcs, and armies of Knights of the Church. And, if the Sun Knights could get their internal problems resolved, the Sun Knights could be battling near Armagh, as well.
After he had finished copying the letter -- so he could use two couriers, to increase the odds of the letter reaching Armagh -- Eric set his writing stylus down. "We need the Sun Knights to rally. If they are busy fighting one another, then there are only Church Knights to defend against orcs. And they may not be enough, if the Dark One's attack is anything like it was at the Fall of Camelough."
Sturm nodded. "We could assassinate the Lord High Commander," he said darkly.
"No," Eric said after a moment's consideration. "They may replace him with another just as bad."
"What if we discredit him?" Breanna suggested.
Bilbus chuckled. "Frame him as a Heka user. It wouldn't be hard."
Adria glanced at Bilbus. "What if we find out what is making him the way he is? There has to be some reason for him to hate Heka users so much."
Bilbus looked at Adria. "You mean to sneak into a citadel full of Inquisitors?" He grinned. "That may be easier than it looks."
Rishala offered, "We could convince them that the orcs use Heka."
Bilbus interjected, "They do use Heka!"
"Aye, but remind them that the orcs do."
Eric looked at the letter he had written. The ink was dry, so he folded the pages. "The rebels need a recognizable leader. They need someone they can rally behind."
Kasey stood and stretched. "This sounds suspiciously like politics. I'm going for a walk."
The Church Knight left.
It was the evening of the following day when the party reached Kells. The sun was just dipping near the horizon, marking the end of a second peaceful day of riding.
Kasey led his friends to the Church Knights' castle, across the central city park from the cathedral with its giant spire. The Church Knight requested an audience with Father Gillifin, and, after a few minutes, the party was led to Father Gillifin's office. The Father had a small fire burning, fighting the chill of the day. He had a stack of papers on his desk, but he slid them to one side when the party entered.
Bilbus addressed the priest. "The tabac smoking priest..."
"Father Lahiff," Eric interrupted.
Bilbus scowled briefly at Eric. "...sent us here. He said to talk to you on our way to Erelhei Cinlu."
Father Gillifin nodded, then pulled a blank sheet of paper out of his desk. He dipped his stylus in a bottle of ink, then started writing. When he finished, he gave the paper to Bilbus.
"These are directions to a safehouse the Church has in Erelhei Cinlu. I'm sorry the directions are hard to follow, but I am assured that the city is very difficult to navigate."
Eric's mouth hung open. "There's a safehouse in Erelhei Cinlu?" Father Gillifin nodded. "The Church of Kells has a safehouse in a drow city? What? Do you also have an army in al-Rhayidh, too?"
"Yes," Father Gillifin replied. "We have an army in al-Rhayidh -- hopefully, Father Lahiff got permission first, this time. There's about a thousand knights, plus supporting priests. But the Dark One has too much control of his territories for us to maintain a base that close to his."
Bilbus smirked. "He's taking care of it."
Father Gillifin sighed quietly.
"Do you have a stronghold next to the Dark One's Palace?" Eric was still incredulous.
"No," Father Gillifin said. "That stronghold is under the Dark One's control." He studied his visitors. "I assume you will stay the night in Kells, and get underway in the morning for Arabel Cinlu?"
Bilbus nodded.
"Very well. The hour is getting late, and I do need to finish some papers. Good journey to Erelhei Cinlu, and be careful."
The party took their leave of his office.
Back to the previous chapter: Book III: Horses
An aside to Waiting, accounting for what the women in the party were doing while the men hunted Stalgraf
Continue to the next chapter: Escorts
Back to the Book IV Index.
Back to the Dark Mysteries Campaign Chapter Index.
Original Draft 10 February 2003
Contact for this page: JourneyMaster@BabylonByCandlelight.com