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NOTE: While the atlas entries are under revision, links to them will be disabled. As entries are updated, they will be re-enabled.
Aegyptine Nomads: Nearly half of the desert lands north of the Vulcan's Furnace of Tervasflam are unclaimed territory. The Calipate of al-Rhayidh have traditionally ceded control of these lands to the nomadic Aegyptine tribes who call the desert home.
al-Rhayidh: The Caliphate of al-Rhayidh is a fabled land of magicks. The best colleges of magick are found in the capital, al-Qayir, as are the ancient Great Pyramids of Duzai. The people of al-Rhayidh eke a living out of the harsh deserts of their land, taking advantage of flood plains and oases, as well as their powerful magicks, to keep the population fed.
Arabel Cinlu: This city-state high in the Middle Ranges has the well-earned reputation for being the one place on Avillonia where anything can be purchased. The vast market plazas, bordered on one side by the Via Avillonia that passes through town and on the other by the twisted alleys of the seedy riverside part of town, are filled to overflowing for over half of the year. The high Yeti Pass north of town typically blocks traffic from the north through the winter, and the population of Arabel Cinlu dwindles during those cold months. In recent years, Ithell's Town has siphoned trade away, thanks to its excellent placement in the lower hills of the northwestern extents of the Middle Ranges.
Caledonia: The easternmost of the Kelltic kingdoms of the Vasmar, a nation of strong extended families and rolling hills.
Clemendeev: The Dwarven Kingdom, on the northwest shore of the Vasmar, in the mighty Heaven's Comb Mountains. Its formidable capitol, Citadel Altspire, is a famed mountain-fortress.
Claw Fang Tribe: The most powerful of the tribes who fought for the Dark One against the Sun King, the Claw Fang Tribe migrated west after the Fall of Camelough to claim the lands between the Italic Duchies and Kingdom of Clemendeev as their own. Over the two millenia since that migration, the orcs gradually took control of the northern Italic lands, forcing the humans to move south and east. While much of the lands claimed by the Claw Fang Tribe are probably wilderness, few people are willing to probe extensively the orc lands. The ruins of former Italic cities still mark where humans and orcs once clashed. However, since the orcs have focused their attentions on Clemendeev, some Italic dukes are becoming bold enough to mount expeditions into the Claw Fang lands.
The Dales: A confederation of Kelltic cities within the Great Forest on the Vasmar coast, the Dales is notable for dirty politics and deadly archers. The ruling council of the Dales, comprised of five Inner Circle barons and the ten lesser nobles of the Outer Circle, meet regularly in Eastdale to plan the Dales politics. The Tree Eaters Tribe of orcs, who have hidden in the deep forests of the Dales for centuries, have recently begun to integrate into the human society, most notably in the northwest around Portsdale.
Drachenterre: The rugged lands between the Nomad Steppes and the Francian States are the home to numerous dragons. The Valles Marineris connects the Vasmar to the Tammar through this mountainous region, but few ships dare to cross the treacherous valley because of the predations of the giant flying beasts. A few brave explorers have attempted to penetrate this mysterious land, and spotty reports have surfaced of civilizations of people who are of unfamiliar origins.
Eiresud: The southern Kelltic nation, nestled on the Brythomar next to the Elven Forest/Elven Court.
Elven Court: The nation and forest of the mysterious and occasionally hostile elves.
Empty Quarter: A region of the Tervasflam that is sparsely settled, albeit nominally habitable.
Endless Swamp: A seemingly endless swamp on the Brythomar coast of the southern Avillonian projection full of dangerous beasts.
Francian States: A large region of Avillonia is home to people of Francian stock. The vast lands of the Francian States have never been unified under one leader, despite the common culture. Numerous baronies, duchies, lesser kingdoms, and free cities can be found throughout this territory.
The Gates of Heracles: The island chain connecting Avillonia and Tervasflam. It separates the Brythomar from the Azirmar.
Hellenas: Southeast of the Endless Swamp, home of the globally-famous Academy. Scholars the world over would give anything to study in these ancient halls.
Hellenic States: The influence of Hellenas is strongest in the peninsula surrounding that famed republic. While Hellenas has never claimed most of that territory as its own, the Hellenic States all show the strong influence of Hellenic culture.
Italic Duchies: A dozen strong dukes have informally allied to claim the Italic Peninsula and its surrounding environs. The northern duchies staved off orc attacks over the years until the orcs focused their attention to the lands north, and now the Italic Duchies prosper in peace.
Italo-Kelltic States: The far western extents of the Kelltic Sun King's Empire never reformed into large nation-states after the Fall of Camelough. Once the orcs started invading the northern Italic lands, refugees moved into the sparely-populated fringes of the Kelltic lands. The intermingling of these two cultures has created a region of Italo-Kelltic nations.
Ithell's Town: A new trade town in the northwestern extents of the Middle Ranges that was made possible by the destruction of the Stone Fist Tribe orcs who occupied most of the Middle Ranges, Ithell's Town is quickly becoming the preferred trade route between Eiresud and the Kingdom of the Five Crowns. Its location in the gentler extents of the Middle Ranges allows it to operate year-round, and its location gives traders a much shorter route between Brallian and Londoun. It is also the first inland port for the al-Rhayidhian sky ships, and the lord of the town is the first non-al-Rhayidhian owner of a magickal sky ship.
Jarldom of the Javik: Homelands of sea-going barbaric raiders who occasionally terrorize the nations along the Vasmar.
Kelltic States: Half of the lands of the Sun King's Empire never formed back into large nations. Instead, these regions are populated by smaller states.
Kingdom of the Five Crowns: The central of the three Kelltic Vasmar states.
Maly: The rich jungles of the Maly peninsula are the last large fertile regions of Tervasflam. The Maly king rules over these lands, trading the bounty of his lands for goods across the sea while worrying over the ever-encroaching deserts to his south.
Nomad Steppes: Along the northeast shores of the Vasmar are these steppes, inhabited by wandering families of human and centaur nomads.
Phoencya: A distant kingdom of famed sea-travelers. It was the extensive trading network of these peoples that provided the foundation for the trade tongue now spoken nearly universally across western Oerth.
The Wasted Lands: South of the Vulcan's Furnace volcanic mountain range are the Wasted Lands. The Dark One's prison-palace is located in these desolate lands.
1: Citadel Altspire: The fabled Citadel Altspire was the capital of the dwarven kingdom Clemendeev. The citadel was carved from a towering mountain in the center of a broad valley four thousand years ago, and it has served as the seat and symbol of dwarven power since. The citadel survived dozens of sieges from the Claw Fang Tribe orcs, earning the dwarven proverb, "Clemendeev will never fall as long as Citadel Altspire stands." It turned out that the proverb was true, for, after five centuries of peace, Citadel Altspire was again besieged late in 2044 ACF. This time, the orcs stormed the citadel, sacking it and slaughtering thousands of dwarves. The dwarven kingdom fell, and it is now claimed as part of the Claw Fang Tribe's territories.
2: Spire's Mouth: Spire's Mouth was the largest of the dwarven port cities, notable for being the easiest access route to Citadel Altspire, just over three hundred miles inshore in the same broad valley as Spire's Mouth.
3: Fools' Mine: The northernmost coastal town of Clemendeev, Fools' Mine was the site of a false gold rush centuries ago. It became a refugee camp for the dwarves who fled the Claw Fang Tribe invasion that led to the downfall of the dwarven kingdom.
4: Kieta: The only permanent town in the Nomad Steppes is Kieta. Here, travelers will find trade goods from across the steppes, as well as goods from the nearby Javik lands. The fortunate traveler will have a chance to catch a glimpse of one of the centaur clans who visit this town to trade goods.
5: Caelioradh: The capital of Caledonia, Caelioradh is nestled against the famed highlansd.
6: Camelough (ruins): The haunted ruins of Camelough, the former capital of the Sun King's empire, are still visible over two thousand years after the End of the Golden Era. The twin spires of the Sun King's vast palace, the famed Silver Towers, are still visible from sea. In recent years, the Knights of Kells have maintained a presence in the ruins of Camelough.
7: Londoun: This sprawling metropolis, at the mouth of the River Llwelyn, is the largest city on the Vasmar coast. It is also the seat of power for the Kingdom of the Five Crowns.
8: Eastdale: The capital of the Dales confederation, Eastdale is situated in a vast clearing in the thick forests of the Dales.
9: Portsdale: The largest port town in the Dales, Portsdale is a thriving hub of commerce most notable for its successful integration of Tree Eater Tribe orcs with the human population. There is also a sizable presence of elves in and near the town.
10: Kells: The center of the Church of Kells, the city that bears the Church's name is a large city on the River Tagellin, upstream from Brallian. The vast Church compound within the city is visible for miles, thanks to the golden spire atop the cathedral at the center of the compound.
11: Brallian: One of the four Great Ports of the Brythomar, Brallian is the largest city in Eiresud. King Kelaghan rules his kingdom from Brallian. The city is notable for the bright, often garish, colors used to paint the buildings. The gregarious people of the city are often as colorful, both in personality and mode of dress.
12: Athenas: Another of the Great Ports of the Brythomar, Athenas is the seat of power for Hellenas, and the main port of entry for foreigners visiting this ancient republic. The famed Hellenic Academy is located northeast of Athenas.
13: al-Qayir: The third, and largest, of the Great Ports of the Brythomar, al-Qayir is the home of the Caliph who rules al-Rhayidh. This city's magickal history is visible for miles, thanks to the towering lighthouse that greets travelers approaching the city. The four vast Pyramids of Duzai west of town are the largest Heka reservoirs on Oerth. Also in the city are sprawling bazaars, the Caliph's Grand Palace, and, of course, the Caliph's Library, a repository of knowledge rivaled by none.
14: as-Tikat (ruins): The ruins of as-Tikat, once the capital of Caliph al-Hatsreod's empire, still protrude from the parched sands of the Wasted Lands. The Caliph's Palace, now known as the Dark One's Prison, still is rumored to magickally restrain the Caliph.
15: Khosinga's Port: While not uniquely notable for any reason, Khosinga's Port is a prime example of the Islander towns that dot the Gates of Heracles. It's a port city that was founded three centuries ago in a sheltered harbor on the Brythomar side of a medium-sized island. Crops of corn and sugar are abundant on the hilly island, and fishing fleets venture forth from the island to add to the diet. Several smaller islands nearby are devoted to raising cattle, sheep, goats, and poultry to support Khosinga's Port. The town still bears the marks of its pirate foundings, with the leader of the island holding the title of "Grand Captain". Khosinga's Port is a rowdy town, and there is little doubt that a number of pirates still call the town their home port.
16: Porto Vicenza: The fourth of the Great Ports of the Brythomar, Porto Vicenza is a unique city. The low plains around the city have sunk over the years, and parts of the city are accessible only by water. The harbor itself is unusually deep, and it makes it easy for ships to make port and offload goods. Porto Vicenza is the capital of the Duchy of Vicenza, ruled by Duke Firetta; however, the Duke spends much of his time overseeing his award-winning dei Sciotti Vineyards in the hilly vine country outside of town.
Avillonia is approximately ring shaped, with a large peninsula that grows south from the southeastern portion of the continent. The center of the ring is the Vasmar, a large freshwater sea whose only outlet to the oceans is via the Valles Marineris (Mariner's Valley), which is sometimes called the Valles Draconis.
Tervasflam is approximately rectangular. Most of the lands of Tervasflam are consumed by the Wasted Lands, a parched region where nothing grows. A rugged volcanic mountain range, the Vulcan's Furnace, separates the Wasted Lands from the arid deserts of al-Rhayidh. Much of the Malyian Peninsula of northwestern Tervasflam is lush jungle.
There are nine distinct cultural/physical regions within Avillonia.
A. Kelltic Lands: Characterized by several large nations, the Kelltic Lands are populated prinicipally by the descendents of the Five Crowns Alliance, whose fall is the basis for the modern Avillonian calendar. The kingdoms of Eiresud, Caledonia and the Kingdom of the Five Crowns, as well as the confederation of the Dales, make up the majority of the Kelltic Lands. These fertile lands fill the southern region between the Vasmar and the Brythomar.
B. Francian Lands: A region of culturally related but politically separate peoples, the Francian Lands extend from Caledonia east to the Valles Mountains along the Vasmar, and southeast along the edge of the Valles Mountains to the Tammar. Dozens of baronies, duchies, and free cities occupy this region, which has never been unified.
C. Drachenterre: The mountainous regions on the eastern coast of the Vasmar surrounding the Valles Marineris are heavily populated by dragons, but reports often describe cities and peoples within this region who are neither Francian nor Javik.
D. Javik Lands: The forbidding cold of arctic Avillonia along the northern and northeastern Vasmar coast are home to hardy Javik folk. Many of them live within the rugged Jarldom of the Javik, ostensibly united under one king. The balance of the regions population, including centaurs, are nomadic, living on the vast steppes in the northeast.
E. Dwarven Lands: The Kingdom of Clemendeev occupied the northwest region of the Vasmar coast, up until its destruction. These lands, home of the dwarven race, are still considered dwarven lands, although the tall mountains of Clemendeev are now home mostly to orcs.
F. Orcish Lands: The majority of the Dark One's armies migrated west after the Fall of Camelough to settle in these regions. Little is known about the occupants of the sparsely-settled orcish lands, which stretch west from the Vasmar to the distant Azirmar coast between the Dwarven Lands and the Italic Lands.
G. Italic Lands: A region along the Brythomar coast, from the Gates of Heracles east to the Kelltic Lands, the Italic Lands are home to numerous kingdoms and duchies.
H. Swamp Lands: The Endless Swamp and the coastal Brythomar north of it are considered the Swamp Lands. There are few, isolated settlements, many of Francian or Kelltic origin, within these lands, but there are known orc tribes and other non-human sentient races who make these lands their home, as well.
I. Hellenic Lands: The majority of the peninsular region of Avillonia is Hellenic. Although Hellenas itself never lay claim to most of the peninsula, its cultural influence covered all of those lands during its Golden Age.
There are three distinct cultural regions in Tervasflam.
A. al-Rhayidhian Lands: The region north of the Vulcan's Furnace was once the richest district of the ancient Aseldzhatn Empire of Caliph al-Hatsreod. The lush jungles of this center of magickal studies have given way to arid desert in the last two millenia, but al-Rhayidhians are still recognized as the world's leaders in arcane studies. A significant portion of these lands are not claimed by the Caliph of al-Rhayidh, but are instead the lands of wandering tribes of nomads.
B. Wasted Lands: No one lives in this vast wasteland, for nothing will grow in the parched sands that cover the Wasted Lands. Two millenia ago, this region was covered in fertile fields and dense jungles, but the lands have since stopped sustaining life.
C. Malyian Lands: The peninsula of Maly was another district of the ancient empire. Whereas the rest of the continent has become a vast desert, the Maly peninsula is still covered with jungles, although the southern extents of those jungles recede every year. The Maly people tend to be darker in complexion than al-Rhayidhians, and they tend not to live in large, dense cities.
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This page was last updated 3 July 2005
Contact for this page: JourneyMaster@BabylonByCandlelight.com